Kring, you can use other software such as Simplify 3D or Pronterface. These allow to print through USB. Besides printing, USB control is useful to perform printer tests.
yellowshark 153
Disagree. You can save your gcode to your PC and then use Repetier Host on your Windows 8 PC to control your printer. Indeed RH has some useful additions which printing direct from Cura does not provide. There seems to be this view that is repeated by many, but experienced by how many I wonder, that printing via a PC and USB connection is bad. Well I have been doing that for 18 months and experienced ZERO problems. It is sooo much easier. It does of course mean you might have to move around your laptop but I was fortunate enough to be able to get a dedicated laptop which is connected to the printer 24/7 and does nothing but run Cura and RH. I just transfer STL files to the "printer" laptop over the wireless network.
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ultiarjan 1,223
You'r not supposed to print via USB on the UM2, save your gcode to SD card, it prints more stable.
The USB port is mainly for firmware updates.
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