Might visit Shurik here on the forum--http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/user/25405-shurik/. He's from Israel as well, and a pretty sharp UM2'er.
Also, pop into chat tomorrow, and ask there.
Sorry, no one responded to you earlier today. I'm sure there is a solution, if the right people can collaborate with you. Hang in there, Help's a comin'.!!!
thanks a lot! :-P
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Might visit Shurik here on the forum--http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/user/25405-shurik/. He's from Israel as well, and a pretty sharp UM2'er.
Also, pop into chat tomorrow, and ask there.
Sorry, no one responded to you earlier today. I'm sure there is a solution, if the right people can collaborate with you. Hang in there, Help's a comin'.!!!
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