DidierKlein 729
this error balso happens sometimes if you have a modified fan shroud, but check the connections its the first step as Labern said
Edited by Guestthis error balso happens sometimes if you have a modified fan shroud, but check the connections its the first step as Labern said
Edited by GuestI opened it up and checked the connections. After checking the connections i was able to get 1 small 30 min print, but when i tried to print again, i got the same error.
in advanced settings I seem to be getting correct readings and am able to heat up the nozzle just fine.
The error occurs 1-2 min into the print.
Do you have a modified fan shroud like Didier mentioned? if you are still using the original setup. you can look at the heat nozzle in advanced and move the head around manually or wiggle the wires at the back of the heater block. if you see the temp jump in temperature then this can show a faulty sensor.
im using all stock.
Im wiggling the sensor connection on the nozzle and nothing(edit: nothing meaning nominal). the temperature readings are fine.
edit: watch video bellow the temp fluctuates like crazy (im not touching anything.)
Edited by GuestIm not touching any of the wires...
Im still not exactly sure what the problem is. I shoved the silver wire(temp sensor wires) into the nozzle and it somewhat fixes it for like 1 print.
Edited by GuestI'm still not sure what the problem is.It could be that the sensor isn't making contact inside the nozzle or it could be because there's a faulty wire(i've checked all the connections and they seem to be fine.). I have a feeling its not making contact but its really difficult to tell. any troubleshooting advice to pin point my issue would be nice. Thanks
Maybe you should contact support and have a new PT100 sensor (under warranty) sent to you if it has some default.
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Labern 775
Are you able to go to heat up nozzle screen in advanced? This should show what temperature the nozzle is at. What does it show?
Check the wire connections for the temp sensor. they are the smaller wires coming out of the nozzle. Sometimes there can be a loose connection or soldered joint where it connects to the main board.
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