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Posts posted by SandervG

  1. Hi James & TM,

    That is no problem, I think. That means you probably think out of the box (for an engineer) and we will come up with the best (or at the very least) original ideas! Erick has a lot of experience and besides that, don't overthink it too much and just do it & learning from practice can be beneficial.

    I hope we will gather a great team of enthusiasts around this project. I think it has a lot of potential!


  2. Great to hear that you are willing to make an effort in setting this up.

    First I need to document the hack of our previous Ulti-evening and then we can look for the next edition.

    Perhaps that next edition won't be hosted at multiple locations, but maybe we can already create some outlines.


  3. ' I hope they got the delivery times and quality control issues right by now, I do not follow these things with any kind of regularity. I think its more interesting to see what people are doing with their machines.

    I like the idea of having "work groups" where people get together and design a multirotor copter or some other device. Perhaps we will see more of that. '

    The leadtime on the Ultimaker 2 & The Ultimaker Original is now around 2 weeks. So a lot of progress on that regard.

    If you like the multirotor project be sure to join! :D If this proofs to be a success we will be sure to ignite more of these projects :)

    In regard of the feeder, as Bas said we are working on improving the current feeder but small changes are already made (maybe unnoticed) and the firmware has also updated and from my point of view the amount of users who are experiencing underextrusion have decreased (not disappeared).

    It is still a work in progress, but we have definitely not sat still :)


  4. Every way you can! I don't know about your skills.. ?

    But if you can CAD-model you can contribute in the design both esthetically and functional.

    Or if you just want to contribute by building it and testing that is also great!

    If you want to just share your thoughts and ideas that is great too :)

    But the fact that you like the idea of this collaboration is already great news!


  5. In the first issue of http://multirotorpilotmag.com/ Erick Royer designed and 3D printed an FPV quadcopter using an Ultimaker 2 3D printer. Erick Royer made all of the files available for free to readers of the magazine and corresponded with many people who have printed and flown as well as modified the design to their liking. Erick was flattered by all of the positive emails I got not only praising the design but also making suggestions as to how it can be improved.

    Unfortunately with his workload at the magazine, he has not been able to design a new machine in time for this issue, but Erick spoke with the people at Ultimaker and we came up with an idea to collaboratively design a multirotor with our readers.

    Ultimaker manages a http://www.youmagine.com where users share designs of all kinds of 3D printed parts called YouMagine.com and ultimately we will make the final design available on their website as well as on our magazine’s website. To make this happen we are going to host a forum which you can visit http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/forum/81-collaborations/ and share your ideas as to what you think would make the ultimate multirotor machine that anyone can print on a 3D printer.

    Are you already experienced in building a multirotor?

    Have you ever flew around with one?

    Do you have a source of inspiration?

    More importantly, do you want to contribute in this project? :)

    - All help is welcome; from testing to CAD-modeling and even to an awesome custom paintjob!

    There is a lot to consider with a project like this from what type of machine (quad, hex, octo) to how large it should be. We need to understand the limits of most hobby 3D printers on the market and keep the largest parts within their capabilities.

    We also have to consider the motors, speed controls and props that this machine will require. Erick envisions that this will be a machine that can use inexpensive components. He obtained the components from my FPV Quad from HobbyKing as they offer a ton of motors, ESCs, props and controllers.

    It would be great to have a machine that not only performs well but is inexpensive to build and co-designed by the Ultimaker-community!

    If you would like to be involved in this project, please visit http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/forum/81-collaborations/and post your ideas. We will close the thread in the forum on September 15th and begin to compile all of the comments to come up with the design at which point we will be looking for help from anyone who wants to help, for example has CAD experience that would like to assist in the parts designs.

    If you have any questions or comments on this project, you can contact Erick directly at http://mailto:erickr@maplegatemedia.com or Sander via http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/user/423-sandervg/

    We look forward to working as a team to create the Ulti-Multirotor!

    Everything is possible!


  6. really don't wanna be an annoying customer.

    Just thinking a Mail took over 2 Weeks to get answered, makes me not wanna deal with your sales team anymore. And my Mails to your Support for Troubleshooting took the same time to proceed.

    So let's just leave it like that, guess at the moment I'm not to positive when it comes to Ultimaker Support.

    You answering my Posts is the first good news from Ultimaker Support=)

    Not an easy job you have =)

    If the response time is too slow, you have the right to complain or at least mention it to me.

    Only a few months ago we doubled our team but it is already showing that we need to grow more.

    We will need to start looking for a bigger team again!


    The Teflon Part is the white Thing in between right ?

    With Brim you mean the black stuff right ?

    Shell I try to get rid of it ?

    Yes & no. The white part is the teflon part indeed. But inside is a brim, like a damaged wall/edge?

    It should be clean. In it should rest the bowden tube, but the brim is preventing it to go fully in.

    And maybe even create more friction for the passing filament.


    Looking at the pictures it doesn't seem you have a lot of underextrusion, but you are experiencing stringing?

    Have you tried increasing speed to 40 or 50mm/s?


    (fill density can be set lower, to like 10 and your print is still very strong).


  7. Hi Sebizzle,

    Thank you for your post.

    I am sorry to hear you were not happy with the offer of a voucher.

    It gives you the chance to buy the correct part with the same money, why is that not satisfying?

    I see a big brim in the teflon part on your first picture. That can lead to under extrusion.

    Have you tried increasing the temperature a little bit?

    Can you tell me a little bit more about the profile you are printing with now a days?

    (temperature / speed / layer height)

    btw: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4525-how-to-upload-an-image-to-the-forum/ you can see how to upload pictures to the forum.


  8. I'm a software engineer, and while I've written my own 3D graphical modelling programs back in the 90s I (ironically) have never needed to use anyone else's software before now.


    Interesting. Want to say a little bit more about the software you designed, maybe add some screenshots or so.

    Personally, I never did any 3D modeling before I had my Ultimaker, and I am very eager to start learning Zbrush.

    I have been an Illustrator before and I think it would be amazing to bring the characters I already drew to 'life'.

    But in the few attempts I have made to learn Zbrush I ran into this steep learning curve.

    In the past I educated my self with other programs etc, but now the sw is sooo big and all the terms are new.

    So I am waiting for an opportunity to take like 2 weeks off, lock myself in a room and don't get out before I have a

    clue of what I am doing :D


  9. This means the bed level is too low.

    If you relevel the bed, set it in a way that it is just barely not touching the nozzle.

    What you have now wouldn't have been solved by glue, or you would actually have needed to glue your part to bed.. :p

    Set it a little bit higher and the heath of the bed will make your print stick to it throughout the entire print.

    Sounds like you are getting there!


  10. Thank you Naser for your contributing reply.

    I am surprised that you have not received your spare parts yet, so I did some investigation and saw that they have been sent out today, after you finalized the payment 4 days ago.

    An important detail in my opinion.

    I will send your tracking number in a DM.

    It is not activated yet, because DHL has only just picked it up. It should become active tomorrow.

    If you follow the forums a little bit just recently I said that the spare parts are going to be put online, but it takes some preparation. This is still the plan and we are making progress towards the release online.

    As I also admitted in one of my replies above, the path especially Naser followed hasn't been the easiest one.

    But it is just an individual case which does not serve as a benchmark as our level of service.

    We have managed to bring the leadtime down severely, spare parts will be released online soon.

    Things are getting better.


  11. Hi Rafael,

    Thank you for your email.

    Chris will email you with some suggestions to test.

    Because with the new motor will hopefully give us some more insight in whether your motor is defective or the pcb.

    I know Chris asked before, but when you put your hands under your Zstage, near the 2 rods, can you manually lift it?

    In my first hand experience I have ran into 1 printer where there was quite some resistance, but eventually after changing the angle in which I was pulling it up slightly, it did come up.

    Could you try this again, when your Ultimaker is turned off?

    Do you feel any resistance halfway? Maybe a metal brim is obstructing the movement in the Z axis?

    Did you ever put the green grease on your threaded axis?

    It would be also very informative if you could send Chris a video of what happens when you raise the bed.

    Thank you,


  12. Hi Rafael,

    Thank you for your reply.

    We definitely care and every single customer we try to offer the best experience possible.

    I know it is not always manageable to reply the very same day but our goal has always been the same as yours, get you back to 3D printing. If not the same day, the goal is to at least send a reply the next day.

    I know Chris will send you a reply with some more specific questions about your experience with the replaced Z motor.

    Hopefully they will point us in the right direction and we can work towards the solution.

    My apologies if I came across defensive, I felt the level of support Chris did offer you was not reasonably reflected in your post. Let us know when you have heard from Chris and what the solution is going to be.

    If you need any further help from my end, please feel free to send me a message.

    Thank you for your time, and take care.


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