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Posts posted by SandervG

  1. Hi Oscar and Andra,

    Thank you both for your message.

    Sorry I did't reply earlier.

    Today I was told that we have another big batch coming up next week, and I will make sure your

    orders are included so you should have them soon.

    My apologies for the inconvenience, I understand it has been a long wait.

    Soon your 3D Print experience can begin and you can fully enjoy the benefits of the Ultimaker Original!

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.


  2. Ugh, running... I can't understand how people can enjoy that, I hate it with a passion. That's just too boring for me, I need variety :)

    And I don't do all that much, it's 30-35 minutes a day. Granted it's not an easy program, but the time commitment is very doable for anyone. It's called P90X3 for anyone who wants to give it a shot. I have to say the previews/commercials for it on youtube makes it seem a lot more hardcore and serious than it is. Tony Horton (the trainer) is

    . I find him funny but some people hate it hehe.

    Speaking of, time to start up a print and go do Dynamix ;)


    I used to feel that way too, but last summer I started to run outdoors.

    What I like most is that you can just put on your running shoes, step out the door and you are in 'the gym'.

    You don't need anything else and it is a great way to loose some of the energy you have left at the end of the day.

    I think I mentioned it earlier, but since a couple of weeks I also started indoor climbing.. Another thing I never thought I would enjoy that much.. but the feeling of hanging on a couple of plastic handles 30 feet up from the floor is great and it is also a great exercise for your body, without getting exhausted.

    Besides that I also do volleybal, but the competition just ended until I thinkkkk.. September.


  3. Hi Jack,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I just spoke with Marrit and she will continue to investigate if you need an entire new heated bed or perhaps a PT100 for temperature readings. Once this is finished she can create an invoice and ship your order to Germany.

    If you have any further questions please feel free to ask,


  4. I think Amsterdam would make for a central place with good flight connections and also then UM could most likely bring a big bunch of machines there for all to print with. Perhaps Sander as Community Manager could set this up? It would be really cool!


    This topic has come up a couple of times in threads lately and it I thought to myself multiple times that I should get involved in setting something up where people could all meet.

    As Daid says, at the moment it is super busy with various trade fairs, but if a group of volunteers wants to contribute in setting a meeting up (I think Amsterdam would be a great location as well) I will definitely get involved to :)


  5. Date: 2nd of June

    Tijd: 17.00 - 22.00

    Locatie: ProtoSpace, Utrecht



    17.00 - 18.00 Arrival, bring your Ultimaker / 3D-printer

    18.00 - 18.30 Subscribe for dinner, €10 p.p

    19.00 - 19.45 food!

    20.00 - 21.00 Talks

    21.00 - 22.00 The end, time for a drink and a chat



    - Studio Laarman: Studio Laarman talks about a project they run that involves printing full sized chairs with Ultimaker. For a quick preview you can visit their website: http://bitsandparts.org


    - Joris van Tubergen: Joris has been involved in 3D printing for many years and has created quite an innovative track-record throughout these years. Joris will showcase some of his latest ideas he likes to call: "how to [ab]use 3D printers""


  6. I also came to understand, as the video clearly shows, that it is about anarchie (and maybe chaos?)

    Among others 3D printing has the potential to shake things up in the society of doing business as we know nowadays..

    It will be easy to duplicate and make things yourself.. and if everyone can make stuff it probably means it is also time for new rules.. if they can control things.

    I believe that is also what the video tries to illustrate.


  7. Hi Naser,

    Thank you for your fast reply.

    I spoke with our financial department and you should be able to pay through Paypal as well.

    Details will be send in a DM.

    Perhaps this will also shine new light on your current order, if not I can help you through the process of a refund.

    I will follow up on this in the DM as well.

    Thank you for your time,


  8. Oh and Ian I also read your presentation, it looks good.

    Has it also been recorded?

    Will you also write some kind of tutorial on your feeder and some more in depth information

    on why you chose this design and why it works perfect, as you say?

    About the video, we knew they would use the Ultimaker after they contacted us with the concept.

    The video is not necessarily about creating firearms but more about the affect of all of these new technologies and what they can enable.. And will good come out of it or bad? Probably depends on who uses it, as you can see in the vid.

    ..at least that is what I think ;)


  9. Hi Jack,

    Thank you for your reply.

    If you could send me his details in a PM I would be happy to look into it.

    We still have someone who is a point of contact with the local authorities, and I guess it could be interesting to them.

    Our experience is that shipping to Russia is extremely difficult and time consuming, and often leads to nothing.

    That is why I can only ship it to our contact in Germany, as you suggested yourself.

    Shall I put you in touch with Marrit so she can create an invoice for the parts you need to do the repairs?

    Thank you and have a great day,


  10. Hi Naser,

    Thank you for your post.

    I know you have not the most trouble-free experience with Ultimaker up until this point.

    I am glad to hear you decided to place another order, but I feel sorry you felt to cancel it again at the same time.

    Based on your frustrations I took the effort to go through your historie with our department but in general you have had a response time of generally 2-3 days with one exception of 12 days. I understand it is not fast enough, but I can not find a record of you waiting approx. a month. Do you have several accounts or names you communicate through?

    Also if you have just replied the day before this post perhaps you should give my colleagues from support some more time to get back with you.

    Anyway I like to look forward and work towards a solution.

    From your post I am not sure if you are open for this since the solution we mentioned earlier about paying through wire transfer was also not welcomed.

    Please let me know if you want to work with me towards a new feeder and electronics and continue with your order

    of if you rather cancel it and leave it at that.

    If you want you can also send me a DM.

    Looking forward hearing from you and hopefully we can move towards a better outcome.


  11. Hi Jack,

    Thank you for your ticketID.

    When reading through the communication you had I see you live in Russia but you got the Ultimaker from Amsterdam.

    After checking your serial number in our system I also discovered the Ultimaker 2 you received is one of the units that was stolen from our warehouse. Since you did not get the Ultimaker from one of our official channels and there is no way of telling in what kind of circumstances the Ultimaker has been stored or how it has been handled your Ultimaker 2 is not covered by our warranty.

    However if you want to repair your Ultimaker 2 we can sell you the parts required to do so.

    The fact remains we can not ship to Russia because customs are very difficult. So it will have to go through the point of contact you have in Germany.

    If you want to use this offer please get back in touch with Marrit so she can make the appropriate arrangements.


  12. Hi Guys,

    Thank you all for your post.

    Well.. I am not sure if 'thank you' is the most appropriate term since I can sense quite some negativity in this thread.

    First of all I understand if people are frustrated as obviously I am aware that not all the times things go out the most efficient way and the frustration is being emphasized by what you could call flaky communication.

    I am not really sure where to start or reply to personal questions, I am also not sure if this thread is about a specific issue or if it is just about ventilating, so that is why I will just try to give you all some more insights in the growth of Ultimaker and what the future looks like from our end.

    Of course, in all of our openness, I welcome all comments and start a conversation.

    As many of you have already stated Ultimaker is going through a big growth, which has taken bigger proportions after the release of the Ultimaker 2. The lead time is one of the signs of this growth, and our unrewarding effort to keep up, since it rapidly moved up to 10 weeks. This took up a lot of our focus and time to make the entire assembly more efficient, faster and bigger and bring down the lead time. It took a while for us to get a grip on the entire situation.

    Another thing that has been a hurdle in most of the experience you have had is that our IT system has not been fully optimized. And as I think most of you can imagine, that can really create a lot of frustration both on your end as ours. Because we all have the same goal: make you happy and create a pleasant shopping and printing experience. But when demand is high you soon find yourself repairing, helping and preventing escalation instead of making progress. This has been quite a time consuming fase and deep valley to crawl out but taking the lead time as an example again; we have been able to bring it back to 6-8 weeks now.

    So we are making progress and I would like to think soon we can leave this behind us and can rely on more aspects then we can today.

    Unfortunately, this is not implemented today or tomorrow so until then I can only ask for your understanding and cooperation towards a solution to fix certain/your inconveniences.

    We all share the same goal; create a pleasant shop and 3D-Print experience. In case this is not met the best thing

    would be to get in touch with our sales & support team or send me a DM through this forum.

    I would be happy to help out wherever I can.

    I totally understand at times it is frustrating, but like someone stated on this thread.. it may take a while but we (Ultimaker) will help you out. Ultimaker does not have the etos to leave its community members in the dark.

    Thank you all for reading this post, hopefully I have been able to create some insight in the entire situation.

    I would be happy to answer any questions and continue the conversation.

    Have a great weekend, thank you all for your time.


  13. Hi 3Poro and Green83,

    Could you send me your ticketID if you are still in need of some help?

    At the moment I am in San Francisco for the Maker Faire but I am sure I can reach out to one of my colleagues at HQ to help you out :)

    Let me know if there is anything I can do.

    The point about the sending reminders is that the ticket system is based on last activity because we want to help the one waiting the longest first. By sending a reminder you are moved back up in the line.

    When we do not have a backlog in the ticket system this works really well, however when there is a (minor) delay in response time it can be an inconvenience.

    We have hired more people for the support team so expect improvement on our response times soon! :)

    Thank you all for understanding.


  14. I've ordered an original UM1 kit on 10 April.

    I'm still waiting ("Shipment:Ready")

    The posts I'm reading are worrying me.

    Is the logistic problem resolved or the delays are cummulatives?


    Hi Oscar,

    Can you send me your ordernumber?

    I will look into it and give you an update about the status.

    Thank you for your time and patience,


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