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Posts posted by SandervG

  1. Here is a job I made for my brother's store.

    He needed a backlit sign for the front of the store so I printed it ! :)

    The P is 47cm high and was made of 8 pieces.

    all the other letters except the M just fitted the build area




    I used almost 3 meters of leds to make the backlit




    By the way it is in brussels. Gallerie louise. If someone want to see it in real ! :)


    Great print!

    What material did you use?

    $300 is a lot, even for material but I guess it is worth it.

    I am really curious to see how it will last. How did you post process it?

    It looks very professional, great job Jonathan! :)


  2. My new UM2 was "bent" as well right out of the transport box.

    The height difference seems even larger, it's more like 4-5mm. The Transport box had no visible damage so the UM2 was obviously shipped in this state already. I can not imagine how it could ever pass QC like that.

    I received the UM2 10 days ago. Since then i've contacted Support three times. Not a single reply so far. Very strange.


    Can you share your ticketID with me? Thanks!


  3. Hi Guys,

    It is a known problem due to excessive rough handling by the courier.

    We have improved the packaging to bring down this risk to a minimum however they seem to

    also improve their rough handling skills..

    Please contact our support team so together we can look for a suiting solution!

    Thanks! :)


  4. @ Aaron, cool picture!!

    It is kinda inception like with the picture frame that has the Ultimaker 2 (and UMO) in it, and within the UM2 is a similar picture frame.. whuuuuuut.

    Looking forward to see al your projects!!!

    ..- and your tutorial on the glasses.

    Maybe we can also help you giving it a bigger buzz so more people can learn about it? :)


  5. Hi Nico,

    Fair question. Given the fact under extrusion does exist.

    Luckily, for us, it does not strike the majority of the users.

    But enough users experience it for us to seriously look at the reasons on what is causing it, and more precisely; how to solve it!

    So far we know that most existing causes of under extruding is a sum of various reasons.

    Whether it be filament curvature, teflon deformation or something regarding the feeder.. it is usually a combined reason.

    We are looking at all those points, to find out if there is any room for improvement or if we can rule out any room for play that may still existed. We are testing various solutions and once we have reliable outcomes you guys will all be the first to know :)

    It makes sense that people who are in need of help go to the source of information (forum) and seek for help.

    People with a solely positive and flawless experience may not feel that urge to connect with the community right away.

    This may create a unbalanced view on how many people are actually suffering from this.

    - as a response on your assumption that under extrusion is associated with the Ultimaker 2.

    I know about your own problems, and I will get back with you on those soon, ok?



    • Who knows! I'll walk through the things I do.

    I have an Ultimaker 2 on my desk which I use daily. I usually have the same one, but sometimes I need

    to bring it to an event and it can happen that by now I have my colleagues and he has mine.

    So I can not confirm with a full 100% I have been using the same machine always.


    I am also not saying I have never suffered from under extrusion, however I have been able to fix it every time.

    At 1 occasion I had the teflon part replaced.


    • How do you change filament? Standard way or heating up and pulling the filament out?
    • - When I change the filament I just use the change option in the menu. Nothing fancy about this action.
    • Sometimes I change filament when I just need a different color for a different print. Sometimes when I notice some underextrusion it also helps to just use a different filament..

    • Do you "sharpen" the filament tip so it doesn't get hung up inside the teflon piece?
    • - No. But I have experienced 2 / 3 times that it gets stuck at some kind of edge around the teflon-area.
    • I notice because it is not feeding anymore when I have just fed in new. After a 'motivating push from the back', with a pair of pliers, I heard it get loose and squirt out of the nozzle. After that it worked normally. Also retraction was no problem.

    • How often do you change filament?
    • - Hard to tell. Sometimes 3 times a day, sometimes I leave the same filament in for 3 days.

    • Do you let the nozzle heated up for a long time?
    • - Nope. I do also experience that with a second print sometimes I need to move material first.
      But the inconsistent bed leveling haven't really plagued me.
    • For a second print my extrusion is sometimes lagging behind. What I do sometimes is after the first layer manually tilt the bed up very gently so when it starts extruding it still sticks to the bed. After this first second layer (makes sense) it usually just works and I can let go.

    I have been printing hotter then I have before lately, around 220/230ºC for normal prints.

    But I am getting good results.


    • Do you perform _very_ long prints?
    • - Usually it varies between 2-12 hours. Except for the weekend when I try to print bigger.

    • Room temperature where the printer is stored.
    • - Around 17-20ºC. It is on my desk.

    • Wich filament do you use (spool, loose, brand)?
    • - Ultimaker filament, sometimes Colorfabb.
    • The amount of filament also varies, some are full some are almost empty.

    • Did you change motion settings?
    • - Nope, basic set up. I do not intend to print faster then 50mm/s.

    • Did you increase stepper motor current?
    • - Nope, basic settings.

    • Do you use an alternative feeder?
    • - Nope. When I do have time I want to try Roberts, but so far I haven't and I am using the default one.

    • Do you have a filament dust filter?
    • - Nope. However the filament is just in a closet in the office, so it is not really protected for dust either.
    • I do think that for the under extrusion I have, the filament is partially to blame. I rather suspect moist then dust that has its affect on the filament.

    • Have you took the electronics cover off and checked where the extruder motor wires are guided? (maybe if they are guided wrong and are too close to other componentes, the extruder motor might be influenced during prints).
    • - Nope. It is as how it is being shipping.

    What reel holder do you use?

    - I have the basic reel holder, however sometimes I do put the reel on the floor in front of my desk.

    Sometimes this helps, sometimes it doesn't.


    Have you used Atomic Method before?

    - Yes, and it did help.

    I did not particularly find a lot of black in the nozzle.. but it was under extruding before, and it worked fine afterwards so I guess I did something right ;)


    Any more questions?


  7. Hi Antiklesys,

    Thank you for your post.

    I am sorry to hear that it has been quite a troublesome path so far and it has proven to be difficult to get you the right parts.

    Could you send me the ticketID of your support ticket so I can look into it?

    Also I did not quite understand what you meant by you received only ONE..

    One what?

    Thank you for your time, and lets solve this asap.


  8. Dag Roelf,

    Er zijn ook een paar andere factoren die je kan onderscheiden denk ik.

    Als je niet tevreden bent over de slice/support capaciteiten van Cura, betekend dit niet dat je op zoek moet naar

    een andere printer (want die print gewoon goed?) maar naar een andere slicer.

    Veel community members behalen goede resultaten via MeshMixer, en ik kan je ook aanraden om daar eens support te generen voor je boot.

    Daarnaast zeg je dat de boven en onder kant open moeten kunnen, wat vind je van de eerste oplossing van Xeno?

    Je print je boot andersom, dus op zijn kop. De buitenkant krijgt een mooie finish, en de binnenkant die esthetisch misschien minder perfect hoeft te zijn heeft de iets ruwere finish door support.



  9. For those waiting for their order to ship ...I placed my order (UM2 + 4 filaments) on April 9th and it has shipped today, a few days short of 8 weeks....hopefully I'll be running my first print by the end of the week :smile:

    Thanks Ultimaker!


    Welcome! :)

    Let us know what you will be making!


  10. Hi Didier,

    Great prints. Interesting filament, the BioFilla Linen, it looks like it has some kind of fiber?

    Does it have the same weight as regular PLA?

    Have you also tried the LayBrick?

    It looks a little bit the same.

    (But I found that one a bit brittle.. )


  11. Ha ha yep I love that comic, it's what inspired me to do this piece. Definitely going to be some ultra violence going on.


    Is this the image



    So.. why was the hulk at mardi-gras?

    and I assume this was no problem for Wolverine, as he just regenerates? :p

    (would his legs die.. or would another wolverine regenerate from his legs?)


  12. Hi Luick,

    Thank you for your ordernumber.

    I see you have ordered the Ultimaker Original Kit.

    However a notification is added which requires some attention.

    I will look into it and let you know about the status of your order.

    Did you have any problems with the payment or during the ordering-proces?

    You may reply through a DM.

    Thank you for your time!


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