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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Now one question I bought the second extruder option. Should I still build it into the machine (modifying the assembly some) and just not use it until I am ready to? Or simply build the kit with the single extruder? I am debating the merits of taking the Ultimaker apart multiple times. Paul https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pauls-R2-D2/433737735192
  2. My kit arrived yesterday! Wow...lot's and lot's of pieces! Very well packaged! After work, I have to buy some latex (water based) paint, dilute and paint my wood pieces
  3. Alright Daid, I felt like I wasn't giving my pets enough love and appreciation, so I changed my profile picture to match you
  4. I second the 2.3x formula. People always want it for close to cost, but you will wind up supporting the Add-On in both a sales/info side and technical support too. Make it a complete package so the customer has everything they need without shopping for items that may not be very common where they are
  5. Greengecko, I'd submit a support ticket for a quicker response
  6. I skimmed thru the thread on this...what's the current cost and whom should I contact about purchasing some, when available Thank you.
  7. Wow. Ordered on Friday afternoon (USA - East Coast time) and I ust got a DHL email saying they will be by to deliver Wednesday. That's really impressive shipping...getting anxious!
  8. I would really love to see videos of the dual extruders in action I saw the Vimeo video showing the assembly process and was a bit sad that at the very end, it showed the print in process for a few seconds. Stop teasing
  9. I plan to use the diluted recipe mentioned in the wiki with my airbrush Of course, it has to be R2-D2 blue to match my full-sized R2-D2 And R2 has a few thoughts on the Ultimaker sounding like him!
  10. Thank you, that makes a bit more sense to me now p.s. Got my DHL tracking number :mrgreen: I already plan to paint it, per the instructions in the Wiki Would you suggest replacing the screws, as mentioned a few posts prior?
  11. I just ordered my kit and I am wondering if the kit will include better pulleys? Whom should I contact to replace them with the improved ones? At what cost? Thanks!
  12. Has Ultimaker changed the pulleys? I just ordered my machine and am a little disappointed to see so much commentary on bad pulleys, people ordering replacements...so will/should I replace mine before trying to assemble?
  13. Well...well....do tell! I hope to have mine soon!
  14. To the gentleman that mentioned Van's Aircraft...excellent! I am a private pilot and know their aircraft well. But as to what the original poster stated...I guess customer service is different in Europe than in the United States. Here, we are used to the manufacturer going above and beyond to make sure the customer has everything they need and is satisfied. I would rather have a satisfied customer, with everything they need to print...and show off the wonderful print this device is capable of. Glad I found this thread...I'll be careful to quickly inventory my kit and make sure i have eerything I need.
  15. Another question... I've been reading thru the instructions in ancipation of receivingh my kit soon. One area I am unclear about...the software install. I ordered the Ulti Controller options and just downloaded Cura. I see the opening wizard wants to connect with the printer as well as asking me about firmware. When I refer to the wiki instructions, it seems to skip past this and straight to doing the first print. Do I need to connect to the printer from the computer for the setup process?
  16. Mark, I just made the purchase Friday, but I bought the second extruder to be added at a later date (as SandervG advised) I was going to be lazy and buy the pre-assembled version but after reading about al the tweaks...I think it would be more educational to learn how the printer works. Plus, at some point, I will need to take it apart and doing the second extruder setup! So I completely understand where you are coming from :-P
  17. Just wanted to share...if you are a military veteran (USA), you can purchase the academic version of Solidworkds for $20! http://store.solidworks.com/veteran/default.php The SolidWorks Student Edition includes: SolidWorks 2013-2014 SolidWorks® Premium software eDrawings® SolidWorks Sustainability SolidWorks® Simulation Premium 12 month term-of-use license Note: We will only be selling SolidWorks 2013-2014 The SolidWorks Student Edition cost to qualified US Military Veterans is $20. A copy of your DD214 form is required. System Requirements: Please read the system requirements before purchasing. SolidWorks 2013-2014 does not run on Windows XP.
  18. Are the steppers adversely affected by the heat? The reason I ask is I haven't seen similar motors, in use on CNC machines, needing additional cooling. Also, are any of you adding acrylic/lexan to the openings of the machine to keep heat inside the build area? I have read a few posts where heat is wanted to keep the build area warm, to prevent PLA from warping Looking forward to receive and assemble my own machine soon
  19. I found the thread... http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/2557-assembly-advice-for-rev-4/ So replacing the screws sounds like a sound idea?
  20. Wow, I learned a lot. And glad I asked! Question for the gurus...while my PLA is in the spool, will it absorb moisture from the humid weather?
  21. That thought crossed my mind, since the addition of a second extruder, and using it, is extremely new to everyone I know there are many threads to scroll through....and I intend to check them out...I think there were a few part (screws) changes people made for better results. Especially dealing with the limit switches? I will have to dig some more. But if other Ultimaker owners can chime in suggestion on this upcoming build, I would appreciate it :cool:
  22. Well, I am happy to say I just ordered my Ultimaker printer, the controller and the second extruder kit (pre sale). After reading for many months and many questions and answers...I finally did it. Now I see the directions for the assembly and my coworker and I are excited to get building! What I would like to know is if the assembly wiki documents has been altered for a first time build adding the second extruder (versus build, take apart, add new component) Thanks!! Paul
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