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Posts posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. This is a question for the Marlin experts:

    Is it possible that one of you could quickly summarize how Marlin (or Sprinter) is doing the acceleration?

    Obviously it doesn't do it separately for each GCODE command line but takes a few code lines together. What are the criteria? When does it accelerate/decelerate and when not?


  2. Hi Daid

    Thanks for the test version. I just had a look into it and this is what I have (not) found:

    - Retract seems to work properly now with combing (great!).

    - What happens if (for a large dual extruder print) the wipe&prime tower is placed beyond the border of the print area? I had the impression (maybe I'm wrong) that the w&p tower is not included in the 'outside of print area'-check.

    - What is the idea behind definining the size of the wipe&prime tower as a volume and not as a surface (mm2) or even a line length (mm)? I found it hard to get the right size. For priming the the extruder, the surface (actually the corresponding line length) is the important parameter...b.t.w.: the surface stays the same for a given volume independent of the height of the print...so, isn't it actually the area which is set (wrong labeling?)?

    - The brim around wipe&prime tower is still missing

    - Filament diameter2 is not yet implemented

    I hope this helps for finishing Cura 13.12...


  3. [...] Mit der Wellenkupplung für die Z-Achse geht es los.



    Zur Wellenkupplung kann ich definitiv einen Vorher-Nachher-Vergleich empfehlen. Ich musste meine leider wieder ausbauen, weil die Führung des Druckbetts an einigen Stellen verstärkten Widerstand aufweist (genaue Ursache mir noch unbekannt; scheint aber ein verbreitetes Phänomen zu sein). Die Starrkupplung zieht darüber problemlos hinweg; die flexible Kupplung aber zeigt ein verzögertes Verhalten. Das führt zu sehr unschönen Unter-/Überextrusionseffekten bei zufälligen z-Höhen.

    Vielleicht hast Du aber Glück und Deine Führung 'klemmt' nirgends... :wink:


  4. [...]

    It seems my long screw are too short, making the plates not horinzontal at all. It's printing like that, but it doesn't look professional at all :???:. I was wondering about shortening the 2 black plastic spacers to give more space so that I get a more leveled plates. Any problems with that ?



    As you have a 3D printer, there is an alternative to shorten the spacers... :wink:

    I printed mines 1 or 2 millimeter shorter and now the bottom plate is more or less horizontal...


  5. Hi Daid

    Is it possible give us a forcast what other changes and fixes you are going to make for the dual extrusion support for the next Cura version? You can treat it like the weather forcast: I doesn't have to be 100% accurate but at least we know if the (binary) sun(s) will shine at all... :wink:


  6. hmmm... The model was made with Blender... which caused me other troubles before with Curaengine.

    However, I checked the normals, they seem ok from what I saw. Sometimes Blender shifts a point a bit (just by a few microns!).

    The circle was made with 60 segments. If one of the 60 outermost points is shifted just a bit, then it might confuse Curaengine. But then I would expect that the artefact appears independently of the shell thickness setting.

    Feel free to check the https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15273556/ultimaker/gcode/knob%20-%20example.stl.


  7. Weird. Can you post the gcode somewhere? I'd like to take a look at it.


    You'll find it here. The knob is visible from layer 228 to layer 232. Please don't worry about the settings; it's Cura's default (apart from the shell thickness; the gcode was generated with these settings).


  8. I think Dim3nsioneer's print issue is caused by infill protruding through the outer wall. It looks like the wall is thin, so there's not really room to do a 1.2mm thick shell on both sides. Stepping down to 0.8mm leaves more room inside to neatly fill between the walls.

    Depending on the angle that the fill meets that wall, you can get some odd effects. Reducing the infill overlap percentage a bit might help also.


    That would have been too easy... :wink:

    The original wall thickness was 3mm. Thus, the infill gets 3mm-2x1.2mm=0.6mm space; with the decrased shell thickness, it gets 0.8mm more.

    So I did a test, inreasing the wall thickness to 3.8mm, giving the additional space to the infill. This is the result:

    Knob visible with 1.2mm shell and increase wall thickness


    The knob is still there, at the very same spot as before...


    I cannot decrease the infill overlap as I have it already set to zero (and no, I do not have gaps or not-sticking issues as my Ultimaker is quite well adjusted). Wouldn't it anyway be a bit strange if the slicer would produce an effect from the infill overlap? I would rather expect the printer produce a knob due to that as there would be just to much material. But I'm no slicer-expert...


  9. I guess, you know about the sheet-of-paper-leveling? :smile:

    If you have an equalized leveling which is just a bit too close or too wide, there are some ways you can adjust it with the software by tweaking the start.gcode (if this is possible for the UM2; it is for the UM1). But just do this when you feel comfortable with it...


  10. Here comes the evidence... but not for the exact effect described by PeggyB...

    I analyzed this print:

    Visible Knob (Cura artefact)


    As you can see in the center of the image, there is a knob produced for five layers towards the top of the print. I checked the layers in Cura 13.11.2 and with the GCODE-viewer available at gcode.ws (as it is not well visible in Cura as pointed out by gr5):


    Knob in Cura 13.11.2

    Knob visible in gcode.ws (shell thickness 1.2mm)

    I found the artefact to be visible also in Cura 13.11 and 13.10 when using the same settings. However, I also found out that the knob disappears if I change the shell thickness from 1.2mm down to 0.8mm:


    No knob in Cura 13.11.2 with 0.8mm shell

    No knob visible in gcode.ws (shell thickness 0.8mm)


    From that point on, I think, a Cura insider is needed for further investigation...


  11. i think you mean the z-scar, which seams to be back in Cura 13.11.

    For some reason the nozzle moves outside the layer, leaving a scar that is visible along the whole surface.

    It was not present in 13.10


    Thank you for the explanation... I really was thinking very hard why I suddenly get these blobs...

    @Daid: Is it possible to fix that for the next version, please (if not done already... :wink: )?


  12. This is, what I just wrote while PeggyB's comment was not yet posted:

    This might be a silly question, but have you done the parts on your UM1 with the current Cura? Or were the prints from UM1 made with an older Cura version?

    I ask that question because I see some similar dots and artefacts right now on prints made with my UM1 and Cura 13.11.2. But my issues may have a different origin... just to rule Cura out as a cause...

    So, after all, the question seems not to be that silly... :smile:


  13. Apart from what has been written so far in this post, I see that the print has warped while the brim still stays flat on the bed. Thus, it looks as if the connection between brim and print is not good enough. I also think I see the lines of the brim having some space in between them at the right back corner.

    If this is the case (it is hard to see in the picture if the brim really still has a connection to the bed or has just fallen down again) then there might be additional issues like underextrusion during the brim / first layer, too large distance of the print head from the bed during first layer, an unevenness of the bed (not very likely with a glass bed, I have to admit).

    Anyway it might be an idea to check the distance between nozzle and bed at different spots and especially to compare the distance in that corner to the others.


  14. As the hardware of the Ultimaker is open source you find step models and drawings here:


    However, the drawings are kind of alibi as only one or two dimensions are labelled on them. Nevertheless, the step files could be used for printing parts. For 'your' part you have to consider the plastic shrink while cooling down, i.e. the hole has to be made a few tenths wider...


  15. Hi,

    downloaded the tweak AtZ 3.0.1 version.

    Playing with it and checking what changes.

    I'm no software engineer!!! But I have the idea that it misses a reset or something.

    Old settings used to slice an earlier stl, are remembered in cura.

    Activating the plug in, imidiatly writes a tweak line around the layer close to 5.00mm, but that line stays there.


    Ok, I'm not sure if I got you right...but somehow it sounds familiar... as I understand it, you have the problem of some artefacts from the old version in the GCODE.

    Did you deselect the old TweakAtZ plugin in Cura before you changed the file in the plugin folder? If you leave the old plugin selected, delete the file from the Cura plugin folder and restart Cura, then it seems as if the plugin has gone from the selection but actually is still there (somehow invisible to the user).

    The only way I found out to fix this is to copy the old version back into the plugin folder, start Cura, deselect the old version, close Cura and delete the old version again.


  16. ...

    I think it's fine to mix pure PLA with PLA/PHA (same base plastic). But do not use ABS, or Colorfabb XT in the same hotend unless you are prepared to do more maintenance/cleaning. Use another extruder or another printer for other materials if possible.


    Could you please explain what you mean by 'more maintenance/cleaning'? I'm going to print XT soon with a printer/hotend that has been used for PLA and PLA/PHA so far... I just would have swapped the filament as changing from one color to the other.... something wrong with that?


  17. Hi,

    anyone found a TweakAtZ version that works with cura 13.11.2?

    Downloaded ver.3 but can not get it working...


    I think there's something missing... in your start.gcode for plugin version 3.0

    I added the possibility to deactivate the plugin (as I move the z stage during initialization of the print and don't want the plugin to 'fire' during that part of the gcode) and reactivate it by adding GCODE-comments ';TweakAtZ-state0' and ';TweakAtZ-state1' respectively to the gcode.

    However, it is undocumented and might confuse people. Thus, I made an updated version 3.0.1 where the initial state is set to 1 which means it just works if you don't add any comment to the start.gcode (as it should!).

    You may find the updated plugin here: https://github.com/Dim3nsioneer/Cura-Plugins/raw/master/TweakAtZ.3.0.1.py

    Sorry, I hope you did not loose too much time with it... :roll:


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