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Posts posted by drayson

  1. Seems that it is time for an update...

    Today I had a little time to solder a bit - basically because the PSU of my home built heated bed generated a nice black cloud.

    So I ordered a new one and started soldering the electronics for my laser.

    Here are two pictures,on the first one you can also see the schematics, on the second one I focussed on the (insulated) heat sink supporting the resistors...




    Hope that the PSU arrives soon as I need it also for the laser.

    Stay tuned...


  2. Has anyone else seen this behavior: You are printing from the SD Card and need to abort the print. So you click Stop Print on the UltiController. However, the print doesn't stop and instead the extruder goes in some random direction and crashes into something.

    This is particularly noticeable when using the leveling circles gcode from:


    I was looking for the reason in the firmware and as near as I can tell, the Stop Print routine discards the planned moves but it doesn't discard any cached commands. Based on the default buffer size, there could be 3 commands in the buffer from the SD file. For things like the leveling circles where one command could represent a a lot of moves, using stop print can really screw things up.

    Can anyone confirm?


    Can confirm this behavior but not at circles - happened at my UMO twice last weekend...

    printed an angle so no circles at all...

    Beside this, on abort, the z-stepper is not released in some cases so it makes it difficult to move the platform down manually - anyone discovered this too?


  3. Since several versions there is the same bug without any fix - maybe it´s only me seing this as important, but for selection/management of print files it is relevant (at least for me).

    creating a gcode, there are a few information in the header like

    ;Sliced at: Wed 10-12-2014 13:36:03

    ;Basic settings: Layer height: 0.1 Walls: 1.2 Fill: 100

    ;Print time: #P_TIME#

    ;Filament used: #F_AMNT#m #F_WGHT#g

    ;Filament cost: #F_COST#

    Unfortunately the most interesting infos - estimated print time, estimated cost are not available any more as you can see above (no info, just variables).

    This would make things easier if clients would like to get a part which is already sliced and like to know how long it takes and how much ic costs... :-)


  4. :-) damn, I love that recurring discussions...

    Some things come up periodically like bad weigted carcasses :-)

    B.t.w. @Santa daid, thats just a wishlist, and I'm not sure that we all were nice enough this year to get such huge presents like a pink ponny - or unicorn... :-) hohohooooo....

  5. Honestly... Not tested up to now but I assume that it is silent as ut is some kind of fabric and I put some kind of scotch tape onto the frame to increase slip.

    For full cover it is unfortunately too less space but this was my first intention...

    Cross fingers, first test tomorrow evening when printing the top cover frame.

  6. Hey guys,

    FYI, I bought a cheap aquarium blower for 25$ attached 2 silicone tubes , made flattened endings from aluminium tape and mounted them about 1 cm away from the nozzle, on both sides. Works like a charm.

    I also got 2 small centrifugal fans which i'll be testing now. After artificially narrowing the exhaust, the air output is comparable to aquarium pump, but a bit stronger and more even - the aquarium pump literally sends air in mini blasts.


    Very interesting! - could you pleas epost a few pictures - would help to imagine you rsolution :-)

    Thanky in advance


  7. So many ideas, so little time... but again, I´m in modifying my UMO (also as a consequence from my laser hack I´m doing...)

    recently I thougt of some kind of "laser protection" to avoid looking directly into the beam...

    then, I had the cance to take a look onto an industrial FMD printer and a mill and - tadaa...

    I designed 2 brackets and some kind of covering (which is not printed up to now) to partially close my UMO top.

    Material used:

    - 2 brackets for the sliders

    - 2 printed beams for stiffening

    - IKEA Schottis (http://www.ikea.com/at/de/catalog/products/20242282/)

    - 4-pc cover frame (to be done - not designed/printed)

    Here some pictures, files will follow as soon I finished and verified the design at youmagine... :-)

    IMG 1239

    IMG 1238


  8. The ideal design shall bring enough cooling to every side of the nozzle/print.

    I tried different ones when had only one nozzle, but with two nozzles you always have the issue that one side of the print is more away from the air flow than the other.

    I found no perfect design up to now, even not my own alu design as it has the same issues when used only with one nozzle...

    There is one design Iwould try if my head would be assambled like your: just search thingiverse for "Dual Head Annular Fan Duct for Ultimaker"...

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