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Posts posted by drayson

  1. - blue tape in case the HB fails

    - gorilla/duck tape in case of the UM falls :-)

    For transport I´m thinking of seperate the feeder stepper wires by a connector to make it easier to place it safe instead of at the back of the UMO


  2. Funny story about this that I've been to quite a few schools, answering questions about printing. I had to answer tons of questions about printed firearms, even on universities. Not so much with the metal shop students. So I asked them why they didnt have any questions about it, and their resonpse was "I've got a bench drill. Why the hell would i print a gun? 30 minutes with the metal shop here and i've got a better one."


    jupp.... that´s true... mechanical engineers knows the strenght of iron & steel and how "easy" it is to work with... :smile:

    there are enough (official/published) sources of informaiton and instruction for people who like to build a gun by themselve !without! a 3D-printer.

    I´m really sad that just this f*****g story is the most refered thing when it coms to discussions about 3D printing... honestly, it was also one of the first questions I got when I told my colleagues at work that I own a printer...

    Nevertheless, printing a prop gun - like the ones my club uses for MA training - is indeed a cheap solution worth trying...


  3. I think the question was how to split objects or design them... isn´t?

    I'm a SolidWorks-user too and usually design only technical parts and no design parts or figurines.

    I generate my model in the first step as one complete part.

    Next step if I´d like to split it, is to start to cut away the not needed parts with defined sketches and cut-extrusions.

    For the second half I swap the outer contour of the sketch to cut away the other half...

    Maybe a bit weired description but I hope it is a bit understandable :smile:


  4. That´s true - but depends on your CAD. As far as I know in SolidWorks there is an option to create molds so that´s maybe used to create a support structure too...

    B.t.w. pm_dude replied that the swapAtZ has not been tested the second nozzle support (also I did just a brief basic test...)


  5. B.t.w. - with this you could also get a solution for the second part of your request

    Just generate the support as a seperate part, merge it in CURA dedicated to the second nozzle and get a top support layer as normally used for a part...

    Then use swapAtZ to modify the gcode where no support is needed any more and end with tweakAtZ for cooldown...

    Might work but needs a lot of more PVA than just support...


  6. Yes, that´s what I mean...

    @ MaxMK, maybe worth trying with it... :smile:

    Did a brief test - it´s working, just the order of generation of the files has to be considered

    - first slice without support and second nozzle setting

    - safe file

    - slice same configuration with support and second nozzle setting

    - past path to first file in the plugin

    - define hight where no support is needed any more (in mm!!!)

    - safe file again and open gcode-file in layer view to check :smile:

    Maybe there is a chance to get a updated version of PM_dude with layer selection - I´ll ask him :smile:


  7. Hmmm....

    Regarding the first suggestion you could try to slice the model 2 times - one with and one without support and exchange the upper part where no support is needed any more with the gcode from the slice without support... and add a line for cooldown the PVA extruder (M104?)...

    Can you follow...? Don´t know if it well explaines what I have in mind... :-)

    I don´t know if this could work but I remember a discussion regarding a plugin for change infill...


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