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Posts posted by drayson

  1. Hi all!

    Great to have such a feedback :-)

    @ Macao

    The 3W-laser costs app. 85USD, without shipping (a friend took it over to Europe), the electonic components a few €, the box app. 6€ and the alu, wiring, etc. also a few €.

    I would estimate roughly app. 150 - 200€

    Currently, the thickest material I cut was a 2mm architectual cardboard (ok, and I managed to change a 4mm balsa piece into a 4mm carcoal with a hole in it..).

    I have to test a bit more, but currently it´s setup only for paper/cardboard cutting. (b.t.w.: I found this list of material/cutting data from emblaser: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z5cy-z8XW8XLOGNaC4WRI_AFFluJn5Tk5GJi0e3ocxQ/edit?pli=1#gid=0 As they use also a 3W laser it might be usefull. honestly, I used their design for inspiration too...)

    @ foehnsturm

    great to have you in too - hope everything is fine in München :-)

    I only found a description how to use the smoothieware for building a cnc/laser mechanics, but I have not found a module at their page... anyway, I learned that it is hard to get a 3W module in Europe... :-(

    @ antikles

    sure, I´ll PM you my skype contact.

    I will also try to revers engineer the things I changed during assambly and post them - also the stl's for the printed parts. unfortunately I´m a bit burried in work at the office, but I promise to make the design available...

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  2. Hi Antiklesys!

    Great to hear from you - good to have you back here.

    In the meantime I figured out how to mount and connect the laser as well as a (more or less) useable toolchain.

    @ mount: I designed two brackets to simply snap it below the print head. For zeroing Z I simply made a spacer with app. 160mm to get the platform in the right distance.

    @ connection: I soldered a pinheads at EXP3, GND and Pin 13 to the UMO board and used a simple relais for switching the laser on and off - unfortunately 100% on or 0% off, so no power control... The pin is adresses via a M42 P13 Sxxx command - S0 for off, S255 for on.

    @ toolchain: I got Cut2D running and managed to get the postprocessor doing the "right" things to get the UMO up and laser cutting. Good thing at Cut2D: simple and intuitive, bad thing: no "lines" cuttable, it has to be something like an "area". I set up different tools to addess different materials/speeds - here I´m still in tweaking and testing. Further I worte a little gcode to prepare the UMO for laser cutting (zero, then down 180mm to allow spacer input, then zero again, move to mid/front to snap on the laser head).

    So, this was a lot of writing :-)

    Hope it helps you a bit - otherwhise just ask :-)

  3. Hi! beside all the above reported isues, I like the design and functionallity of the 15.09.84 beta.

    Nevertheless, when will dual extrusion be supported??

    I have a UMO with customized dual extrusion head and customized fans so I have to mod the settings there too...

    @Marit, nallath, could you please give me some hints on this???

  4. Started this tread a while ago, made some adjustments ant thought I can live with it.

    Recently it become worse... Currently I've a hard time see anything in the area where the spot is.

    @ UM service, is there any chance to get a replacement via warranty???

    Or a guide how to replace the display?

    Any hint appreciated!!!

  5. ... Sorry but I have to spend my two cents on this topic...

    Got my UMO in 2012 I think and the forum was the best place ever to hang out. The first thing in the morning and the last thing in the evening...

    A few month ago I stopped this behavior as there were difficulties at login to the new forum, worst usability ever, less discussions and always the same raised topics and - yes, I agree to the thread starter - I have also the feeling it dies.

    And I'm too not very active any more...

    UMO users are in minority, seldom news about tweaking and modifying. Don't know why but my feeling is that the spirit has gone...

    Maybe you should re-open the old forum for UMO users, dont know if that helps but...

    My two cents...

    • Like 1
  6. To show a development roadmap would be great to get an idea when which functionalities are planned to be supported.

    For me, second extruder support is crucial so I will stay on Cura 15.04 with the given possibillities until the new one get´s in it - so, please post a roadmap!!

    B.t.w.: when will the "old" Cura be discontinued officially? Will there be some kind of bugfixing/releases on the "old" version until both are at leaset comparable in functionality ???

  7. Hallo Lutz,

    was verstehst du unter "klein"?

    Mit einer 0.25er kannst du sehr feine Strukturen drucken, aber es dauert dafür eine Ewigkeit...

    Kannst du bitte mal ein Beispiel geben welche Teile du drucken möchtest, dann könnten wir die Situatuion besser einschätzen.

  8. @drayson -- not sure what your expectations are from the 'stop' function...

    Basically that it moves aside when "stop" is hit and don't stay at the place waiting for manual movement...

    From a gcode point of view it could be like

    G91 relative positioning

    G0 Z1 raise head by 1mm

    G90 absolute positioning

    G0 X0 Y0 or to a predefinable position - or just G28 X0 Y0

    Maybe as a derivate of M600...?

  9. Please be careful. I'm always a bit worried when people start to completely encase a significant heat source. There has been at least one heavy accident with an encased 3D printer so far.

    Think about what might happen if the hotend suddenly fails to stop heating. Ultimaker has tested this case for an not encased printer and found it safe. But situation is completely different for a printer inside a box.

    @ Dim3nsioneed: Thank you for this addon.

    This is exactly the reason why I have not closed the top completely. The hot air has the chance to move out.

    As Dim3nsioneer said, be carefull...

  10. Hallo dominik,

    Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob jemand von UM im deutschsprachigen Forum mitliest. Am besten schreib mal ne (englische) PM an Sander oder ruf direkt bei UM an - telNr findest du unter support.


  11. News...

    yesterday I printed/cut a few stencils out of 160g/m² paper for painting a wooden box.

    Results: see pictures :-)



    What I learned:

    the stencil took 8 min to cut

    after this, the alu profile were the laser module is mounted in where really hot so I assume too less cooling.

    have to find another solution for it - maybe more than only one fan (water cooling would work but is from my point of view not applicable...)



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