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  1. I think that an additional part of Robert's feeder if for reducing this gap
  2. UM2. I have the Robert's feeder... you should use it. And, oil the filament! That's all you need.
  3. some of us need a small tutorial. I have just bought a MK8. But I am quite lost.
  4. I did read here in the forum that faberdashery was a very good filament. I tried it... and I discovered that I do not need glue any more. Just with 60C for the glass bed. Without glue the finish of the bottom surface is much better.
  5. this is very strange. BTW there is another thread about flexible filaments, where many of us have printed these materials without any problem.. Please find it. There are a lot of information there. What type of oil are you using? In my case it is a very light oil, for sewing machines. About the feeder, the pressure to the filament has to be the same that for regular PLA.
  6. I have printing filaflex continuously oiling it without any adhesion problem to the platform. This material has an excellent adhesion, using only 54C for bed temperature. The only problem with oiling is that when you return to regular PLA, you have to print some time before the oil disappears from the bowden tube.
  7. you just need to oil the filament. Filaflex is a superb material, for me it is the best flexible material I tried.
  8. I tried several filaments. My conclusion is that flexible PLA is not flexible in comparion with the other options available. If your are looking for flexibility, Ninjaflex and Filaflex are very, very similar, both print well, and with a very good adhesion to the bed. I think fliaflex is a bit better, for me. At ebay someone is selling ninjaflex by meter, not cheap though.
  9. So this is the final update? will it be included in next Cura version? Thanks for sharing.
  10. qué bonito el anillo azul... ¿cómo consigues los dos colores? Un abrazo
  11. I tried it...with glue... no success... and it was a small piece. I have garolite... but no time yet to try it.
  12. Muy interesante.... ya nos cuentas.
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