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Posts posted by Titus

  1. If someone takes the effort of doing a write up to help others I think it is fair if he also gets some credits for it.


    Then ask people to do write ups for a news section of the site, or some blog, but don't do it for the forums.

    Also, you'd have to back log everything, otherwise you won't do justice to the current contributors.

    Perhaps tags for UMO/UM2/BOTH are interesting. I find myself reading things, realizing that they might just not be useful after all for me.

    And what did you think of this Sander:


    Perhaps a system where the topic starter could mark an answer/multiple, as "the solution to their problem". Something like this:



  2. Maar van Joris theorie uitgaand:

    " shell thickness is niet afhankelijk van de nozzle opening, maar van het samenspel van shoulder, temperatuur en aanvoer van materiaal."

    Zou je dus met een .4 nozzle met 1 pass een .5 kunnen printen als je shoulder/temp/flow maar goed is bijvoorbeeld? Correct?

    Maar dit doe je dan zeker door wel .4 nozzle op te geven en shell .4 en dan je temp+flow omhoog gooien.


  3. Im thinking of printing the two fan ducts, you posted blecheimer. Do you have a Heated Bed, or is that just a metal+glass bed? And is that the stock fan times 2? Wired to the same output?

    I tried this shroud once in PLA and it cracked under the heat: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:107413

    You didn't have any problems with PLA Sander? Or are those far away from the heating block? Blecheimer's are pretty close to the nozzle/block, I even see some ripples in his ABS print.


    You mentioned ABS/PLA90, Colorfabb XT has a GT of 75C, that should hold right?


  4. Dremel (kun je vast van iemand lenen als je er geen hebt) en een boortje 0.6 / 0.8 voor 2 euro bij de ijzerhandel (niet bij de praxis, maar bij de pro's die je op de meeste industrie terreinen wel vindt) Boren vanuit de binnenkant van de nozzle, dat centreert je boor automatisch. nozzle in een bankschroef of andere klem vastzetten.


    Ik kan hem prima even onder de kolomboor gooien, dat is het probleem niet(volgens mij heb ik zelfs de boortjes ook nog liggen). Het is meer dat ik niet weet welke diameter te kiezen :p En volgens mij is mijn shoulder al vrij breed, hier een foto van mijn nozzle die aan het slijten is(zie deze thread: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/8189-um2-nozzle-deteriorating-and-desintegrating/?hl=glowfill ) +de reserve die ik bij de printer kreeg:



    @Leon, waar zit de winst hem precies in? Want ik zou zeggen dat je met een 0.6 nozzle nog steeds 2 passes wil op de shell, dus 1.2 shell thickness. Ook hoeveelheid infill lijnen blijft gelijk, ze worden alleen wat dikker.

    Kan je gewoon met een hogere snelheid printen, of minder top/bot thickness?


  5. Combing enabled yes:

    1.5mm minimum travel

    0.02 extruding minimum

    0.2 z hop

    It still shows the same blue lines. I think it's due to the following: When you have a cube that is 10 cm, and then on top of it, add a cylinder with diameter 10cm too. The corners will get filled as they are a top layer. But the cylinder will just stick to be an infill. Since there are so many small lines are infill and tiny surfaces are a toplayer, you get loads of small top layers and lots of traveling with retraction.


  6. Wow, this set of items has the most freaky slicing I've ever seen. I've seen sub optimal slicing and some strange pathing, but this is next level.

    Back to the portecard file: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:274570/#files

    Just before the thin lines start, it goes freaky:

    Blue LINES


    I wonder if these files can be redesigned in such a way to prevent all of this from happening. These objects should be able to roll out of the printer in way less time if these strange things weren't there.


  7. But why is it making diagonal lines, rather than parallel lines along the edge?

    Also related: Take the portecart file as example:


    It contains thin strips to hold cards up. In my opinion a double shell with 0% infill should be enough, but the thicker part to the left needs the infill to support the overhang of the top layers.

    Now, the thin strips have useless infill/travel things as can be seen here:

    More blue lines!

    Increasing print time yet again. Is there a way to decrease print time here?


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