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Posts posted by Titus

  1. Just two short questions for you UMO owners out there:

    http://wiki.ultimaker.com/Hot_end_v2 makes me believe the bowden tube lock goes in the wood directly, while https://shop.ultimaker.com/Content/Images/Articles/Um-1_11.png shows a black injection mold piece:

    Since I don't have the black part(but do have the lock thanks to Daid!!!) Can it actually go in the wood like that :O? I've never seen that in any UMO.

    Also, I noticed the PEEK in the store is quite dark, and mine is quite light, has there been a change in PEEK since like 1-2 years?


  2. Hmm, time to join in on the fun. Never really had trouble with extruding other than for things that probably have different reasons. During my UMO maintenance round I opened up my hotend to find this:

    Left=used spare that has a little deformation on the other side

    Right=current teflon. The hole is now 3,5-5mm conic hole instead of 3-3.2mm.

    I can't really find any deformations and I'm not sure to what extend this would cause trouble on a UMO. I've been printing PLA only and quite a lot of Glowfill from Colorfabb

    Teflon coupler


  3. Sorry maar ik moest echt wel lachen met je laatste zin:

    "weet iemand hier iets van of gewoon een nieuwe kopen?" :grin:


    Ik had ja moeten roepen en mezelf als slachtoffer op werpen voor het kopen van de printer voor reserve onderdelen voor een prikie :p

    @ontopic: Paul, is het gelukt?


  4. Hi all,

    From the other threads I've seen on Min temp errors, this is a different one.

    I encountered a min temp once when I came in from the cold and wanted to start printing. After it was warmed up to like 10-15 degrees it worked fine again.

    However, I got a new temp sensor since the wires of the old one were kinda broken. When I power up my UM1, it shows 3 deg C, and within like a second or two it jumps to room temperature. BUT it gave a min temp error since it started on 3 dec C.

    When I heat the nozzle up to like 90 deg C, and power off, power on, it starts on 20 deg C and jumps to 90, WITHOUT giving the min temp error since it never was below the threshold.

    So it seems there is some kind of lag in the correct signal coming from the sensor. It's workable, but frustrating to having to power on, heat, power off, power on your printer before you can start printing. Anyone a clue how to fix it?


  5. I took a look at the lab in one of the faculties of Delft University of Technology(the Industrial Design building) where they used to have 1 UMO:


    Yeah, 4 UM2's :D Also, the Mechanical Engineering lab dumped their makerbots and is ordering UM2's also :D

    Notice the difference in LED's in between the two pairs they ordered. Any clue how to fix that?

    Anyhow, they now allow ALL students from their faculty to print stuff for FREE. During this period of the semester, the end, it's booked for TWO WEEKS in ADVANCE :D Really like what they are doing.

    @Sander, might be a fun idea to reach out, they all have so many UM's now together, printing nonstop, for an article and also for R&D since they didn';t mod a single thing(and they are also using UM filament).


  6. I don't really get why you would want a smaller one. IMO the Original with the printed handle is portable enough. I take it by bike and train to the ultievenings :p

    But I'm curious to see it IRL, it is said to be really cute!


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