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Posts posted by Titus

  1. The team, you, me, everyone wants it, wants it to function like it should, and wants it as soon as possible. This isn't going to happen faster then it will, and you have to be patient. It's a shame you bought an UM2 expecting dual extruder now, but it will come.

    I want it to be out of beta for UM1 :D *did someone say 2 announcements 18th of Sept?*


  2. Hack your machine with several types of upgrades. Like an evening how to make your machine as fast as possible(bigger nozzle, optimization in settings), or as quite as possible(dampers, quiet extruders), or other topics.

    Sharing useful printed upgrades with each other.

    Mass production algorithm(pushing things off the buildplate, or design for mass producing).

    Print challenges(everyone get's the same material and random file. You all have 2 hours GO!)

    :D:D Beta testing new ultimaker products, or brainstorming sessions with the R&D department atleast (I think we could use an upgrade that allows you to cool your bed/chamber, to be able to put even more material down without it smudging out) :D:D

    /will think of more

    Edit: Octoprint and monitoring etc?

    edit2: Joris Z unlimited demo


  3. T-228 minutes :D GET EXCITED!!!

    Not bringing a printer though, have to finish a print :(

    Edit: Sander, People can just download Polycom software and tap into the ProtoSpace Poly that is there anyway ;) I did it when writing my internship report and I was missing everyone there :-P


  4. 4) Is it possible to use the G4 code with S1800 for example to delay the start of a print by 30 minutes? This would be extremely interesting to start prints when I'm already asleep. This way I can print overnight, but still fall asleep like normal(student housing with 1 room and printer in the bathroom)


  5. Wow,I was thinking how this would shape itself in the near future. As I believe that the person who manages to build and market a system where there is indeed some kind of 1 print per payment(but acceptable print), will be able to make quite some money, if the big companies get onboard. N.B. This system would be for companies to customers, not individuals to costumers, there would also be some money there, but not the big bucks...

    As for selling your model/stl/gcode. Until we can make sure the actual information is not copied(you could still read it from a printer that is printing), it doesn't make sense to try to sell your models and be upset when they end up somewhere else.

    One thing that also crosses my mind when I think of monetization of 3D printing is the following, and I think it closely relates to selling your models.

    When something is open source, and you print a copy, can you sell that copy? And when it is NC? 3D Hubs is basically doing that. The next question is how the price is made up: material+electricity costs, working time, or even some kind of fee?

    Because, who is checking how you got that model?

    Can you make selfdestructable files, or embed the building information in the print so that if it breaks you can try again? Like DNA, building things with the information needed to build it.

    Could all printers be cloud connected in the future, and models checked from a database?

    Or is the way to monetize to spread cool free files, and let people pay you for making something custom?

    Interesting stuff! This is a good example of something that could be the topic off Ulti-evenings, or some kind of conference (call) or other get together :p


  6. New Question:

    3) When I print something my settings that make sure there is no underextrusion also cause my print to stick to the raft terribly. I believe I might be overextruding a little, 107% flow, but anything less causes underextrusion. I print with rafts to ensure that mass producing parts stick well to the buildplate when I'm not there.

    First I tried to increase the airgap up to 0.5mm, which was definitely an improvement!!! But still there were parts of the raft sticking to my print. Then I figured out that with the Tweak at Z plugin I could start with a low flow(100%) so that the raft will be easily and after the first layers of the object tweak to 107% again.

    The question is actually twofold, 3a) How would you normally improve the removability of the raft? I believe my method of high airgap is not really the way to go...


    3b) When I use the print one at a time option how can I make sure that each raft+first layers is printed with 100% flow, and the rest of the part with 107%. When I do tweak at layer I would need to define all start and end layers(time consuming). Is this done automatically when you use the height tweak? So it would start with setting A, until 2 mm, then use the tweak at height setting B for 2-80mm to finish the part. Then start with setting A again for the next part, until 2mm, before using the tweak at height setting B again for 2-80, etc?

    The short term solution is to use print all at once, then I know it's printing like it should, but I kinda dislike the option since it puts everything closer together and curls up rafts easier somehow and gives stringing.


  7. Love the idea! Some parts could even be printed if accuracy allows for it. I'm in for working on this one!

    @cons: volume is limited, but if you pick the parts so that it could also be mounted outside of the frame(i.e. design/sell a bigger housing) than you have both the easy and cheap, and the larger stuff!


  8. Quick and dirty: You can press your endstop early, and finetune by turning the Z spindle by hand.

    Slow and semi dirty: edit your Gcode so that every Z value is your desired height higher.

    Perhaps possible and quite ok: pause print at the start, tune Z height and resume print(I believe this requires some different firmware, like the one with the babysteps)

    Just three options that popped into my head


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