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Posts posted by Titus

  1. Nice, ik zat er ook al een keer te denken aan om dat hoekje er uit te halen, kan je ook mooi je nozzle "afvegen" om schoon een print te starten.

    @Ignace, dit kan ook worden gebruikt voor "serie" productie waarbij je bijv een afmeting of instelling veranderd, om zo 10 kopieën te maken met andere eigenschappen voor een test. Serie productie staat niet meteen haaks op de uniekheid van een print. :p Ook dat gebruikers iets kunnen ontwerpen, naar de printer sturen, en dat hij het vorige eraf duwt voordat de nieuwe print gestart wordt kan handig zijn. Zo kunnen printers zonder personeel mensen zelf unieke dingen laten printen :p


  2. :D I was thinking of drilling my nozzle out the day before yesterday :p

    Not sure if I can be there though, perhaps I can make it without my UMO.

    From .5 to 1.2 thats quite a big range! Do you guys have advice on what size could be useful in what kind of applications? How are you going to drill them out? What will happen to the "shoulder" as Joris calls it, the surface of the nozzle tip? And will you also change that?


  3. Miraculously my amplifier and monitor were caught between the wall and frame. One of my latest prints that I still wanted to polish and show broke though :(

    Many interesting reasons as to how this could happen, mainly build up stress in the glass, either during production, transport, assembly, use or likely a combination. I'm so glad my printer wasn't (that) near: the chair intercepted the glass.


  4. The stirling engine is pretty cool yeah!

    Welcome :) I walked by the shoot so I saw what they were doing and making, but not that it was (partially). Perhaps it's a idea to contact PMB(the lab/workshop) @ Industrial Design too, they have UM's for these kind of (and bachelor) projects. Who knows what kind of interesting projects other students are working on. If you stop by in Delft, let me know :)


    Also Sander (A), when is the post about the next ulti-evening coming online. I was just thinking of the topic when I saw this post:



  5. OMG, Solid Print 3D, thanks for the notice of split parts function! I've wondered many times what it does, and now I forgot about it. It works perfect :D

    I'll try the hot bath and the strain relief cuts. Let me post some pictures this week. For the rest of the parts, you said a large brim, as in, a wide brim around the object?

    The problem is this large part: http://www.myminifactory.com/uploads/object-images/6debd2cad0fa7550b90b8fdac79614bb3d4543fa.jpg

    I had to scale everything down 0.9 to get the large part to fit diagonally in my machine, and disable skirt. So I fear there is not really a way to get a brim around that. Or perhaps I should cut that part up in 2 parts again?


  6. Dear Community,

    It's been study time lately with less time to print, but I've got a ball coming up and I need some props. So I've been trying to print this awesome model in glowfill:


    Barnecules did a video on it, check it out:

    Anyway, I've printed the two handle parts on my UMO and when I tried fitting them together to see how it looks, I noticed both parts, having a large surface area, were a bit warped :( So it's not a 'tight' enough fit to actually glue.

    I was wondering whether you guys had any experience with models cut in halve and glued together & warping issues.

    P.S. on an unrelated side note, how can you seperate parts that are merged into 1 STL file?



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