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Posts posted by Blizz

  1. The support is definitely a lot better. Easier to remove and less "present" (as in bulky). Also, there is a full manual support mode, in case you think the app adds too much or if you can do better :)

    As for the quality, sure, it's right up there with Cura imo. I've only had my printer a couple of weeks, so not really entitled to a "professional opinion" yet, but there it is :)

    You should take a look here:


    There might not be a trial, but their videos give a very good impression of what S3D can mean for you. I know it did for me.

  2. I've bought it and I think it's pretty awesome.

    Unfortunately it comes with kind of a steep learning curve before you get decent prints out of it. That being said: You can control pretty much everything and if you're really into 3d printing it's worth it imho.


  3. I've uploaded a new model consisting out of 2 documents. No regular pictures yet. As a preview image it picks the document I uploaded last (while this is just a clip). How can I make it pick the first document as the default image?


  4. @Takei: Most important for me is the only once part. I guess that I'll add the commands again to the first part I print after an update to be sure.

    I asked because the first print I did with the MK8 mounted had retraction issues. It left strings all over the place. But then I reset the firmware back to factory settings (couldn't find the default E-steps value) and remounted the original gear and it still had the issue. So was related to other things :)


  5. I don't think its a bug, it's just that it requires so much processing power that there's nothing left for the program's GUI...

    It's the same for example when I have to resize those models. During redrawing you can hardly input values. All of a sudden you have an object that is 5000% instead of 50 or so :)

    Like I said, it's a nice feature but having some control over when it actually recalculates would be very nice. It's a waste of CPU power if it is constantly redoing everything every time I add a 0 in an edit field you know :)


  6. Having the render time updating automatically on a change is very handy for small, simple models, but for more complex ones it's pretty cumbersome. If I'm editing some plugins the program becomes unresponsive until it has finished updating the projections. Is there a way (or if not, please consider this a feature request), to stop it recalculating on its own and do it manually?


  7. @Flashp0int awesome info. I've printed the feeder but haven't mounted it yet. I did like the point about the MK8 pulley so I went on ebay and ordered them. I'll wait for that to arrive to replace the feeder at once.

    I seem to recall there were some extra partse required for IRobertI's feeder (besides the original feeder, some screws i think?) but I can find the post again which mentions that. Anyone who can help me out?


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