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Posts posted by Blizz

  1. Okay so I downloaded a model for https://www.pinshape.com/items/586-3d-printed-desk-dock-for-iphone-5-5s with a sound chamber and started printing it with support disabled (the idea is that it is open so the sound can go through). About halfway up I suddenly realised that it would have to print the stand for the phone in mid-air, as there would be nothing to support it. Against better judgement I decided to let it continue and weirdly enough this happened:

    Mid air 3

    Mid air 2

    Mid air

    It only had the hole in the middle to start from. I think the only luck is that the back (where the phone rests again) starts a bit lower. The result is far from perfect, but still, funny that it actually worked. Now let's see if it can close the thing on top, same problem ;)


  2. No I chose this one because its width causes it to actually press against the feeder motor by using the protective panel as leverage. You can't get it further down and the feeder motor can't move at all.

    No wear and tear on any of the screws (only those that attach the feeder, those are pretty much worn out for me)

    Btw: Because the axis motor is less deep it's not touching that at all, it's only touching the feeder and the plate.


  3. As long as the arrows work (and for now my up and down work as well *fingers crossed*) I can manage.

    But if I can be of assistance in any way, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm not scared of technical stuff, so if you need things tested or wrecked, I'm your man.


  4. There is definitely some weird shit going on with those support libraries I must say :)

    This morning I could trackpad rotate in all directions suddenly (without modifier keys), but as soon as I selected the model and deselected it, it stopped working. Even after a cura-restart it didn't start working again.


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