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Posts posted by Blizz

  1. Robert, I sure no one ever does, but I literally get this multiple times a week and "a lot of small ones make a big one" as we say in Belgium :)

    Anyhow, you're completely right.

    Unfortunately I still can't rotate my workspace :p


  2. You know what...

    Just imagine you - who is using windows I assume - (or any other windows user for that matter) ask a question on any forum out there and people start throwing all these remarks at you.


    Am I, because I happen to prefer MacOS above Windows (which I've used for 10+ years) somehow asking people to mock me for my hardware choices?

    Are mac users, because they are a minority, somehow worth less?

    Can you as a company - if you release a mac compatible product - hide behind a "a mac is not a computer, so what do you expect" excuse if it doesn't really work?

    I'm really so tired of always the same reactions. I have never seen mac users dis windows users on forums, just because they ask a question about something that doesn't work. "Ow, of course, you are on windows, what else did you expect?"

    I like my Mac and I consciously threw out my windows PCs because I really prefer the mac. So what?

    It's not anyones right to judge me for that.

    And I know how hard it is to interpret the tone behind text sometimes, so I want to clarify that I don't mean to step on any toes here. So really all I'm asking is that everyone just thinks for 2 seconds before they post something like that.

    Just my $0.02


  3. Dim3nsioneer if you connect a regular mouse to a mac it is perfectly capable of detecting and using the right mouse button, scroll wheels etc. It's not because you don't really need the right mouse button on macos that it is not supported :)

    So IMO it's not something that needs to be configured at the "mouse end" but probably Cura related. I've annoyed Daid via DM in the hopes he can/will clear some stuff up here ;)


  4. How was the hole size on the latch and arm, any problem getting the screw through?

    Yes because I kind of messed up the stock screws. But these are also 3mm and although I had to "screw" them all the way through (couldn't just push them through): a lot less effort than the spacers. I have a bit more resistance now when opening the arm, but nothing to bad. I don't overdo the tension on the screws.


    And the support, how much of a pain was it to remove?


    Actually looking back: Not too bad. It's just that with the changes I wasn't fully sure if I had to leave the support for the holes or not. They looked pretty solidly attached and since no more spacers were required I was afraid they would be needed initially. So it took a bit more effort to leave them alone. After I printed the body I figured out quickly that they needed to go. If I had known that earlier it would've be less effort :)

    I would just leave the STL files and don't pre slice it. You don't have "special requirements" in this one like the spacers before and not everyone wants to print these at 100% infill (or some people actually do). It's hard to please everyone.


  5. Would be kind of cool if you could combine your changes with the filament guide, I was just considering changing the feeder body by that one. I'd really like to get rid of the "filament below the bottom of the machine"-thing.

    I've reprinted the v4 of your feeder btw and haven't had problems with the arm since. I do have to admit that when opening it I make sure I apply pressure close to the yoke. When it broke last time I was pushing on the end near the latch and that was probably part of why it broke.

    I'll try to print out v5 and see what gives. I did mess up one of the body screws last time so I don't know if I can still get it off :) Love the fact that you got rid of the spacers, my god those were annoying ;)


  6. During a pause the head always parks at the front left. I think the idea behind it is twofold:

    • Since something is probably wrong, you need to room on the buildplate to fix things.
    • It is quite possible that the nozzle oozes filament and you really don't want that dripping on top of your model.

    So while the straight up is not a bad idea, IMO you will hardly encounter situations where this is handy.

    Perhaps there should be 2 pauses:

    • The regular one where it parks the head.
    • An "I'll be back later but just wait". Here the head could just go up and as a precaution the filament is retracted.

    Might have to be careful with keeping the nozzle heated and so on.

    I honestly don't think I'll ever use the 2nd on though.


  7. That was not meant as making fun but as a serious question. If you're on a mac, the double finger drag is a possibility no? If your trackpad is too old and doesn't support multi finger gestures (or you actually don't have one), why not buy their bluetooth one:


    It really is pretty awesome.


    Fyi, I've had to stop using mouses after a couple years on a windows pc because of pain in my arm and shoulder. The last 10 years or so on windows I've very happily used one of these:


    So I really know where you are coming from. To be honest, since I've been using the apple trackpads I haven't had a single problem pain-wise.


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