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Posts posted by neotko

  1. You can print 1.75 with the stock but with many problems on the long run. I changed mine for 1.75 and there are many paths to do it.

    You can not change a think and insert a ptfe 3/2mm inside the existing bowden and glue it with special glue for ptfe. Using the ptfe to go through the heat barrel or even inside the nozzle. On the long run ptfe with burn and you will start understruding, filament will flow and burn between the ptfe and the barrel.

    You can do the ptfe think glued but change the heat barrel, nozzle and even the hoyend isolator coupler. Then after tweaking the extruder (it need's) I had to do some filling to get a proper grip and changed the delring clip.

    There are many roads. I tested (I think) most of them. So far the ptfe 3mm/2mm glued inside the bowden works but It adds extra friction. I changed my bowdens to a ptfe 6/2mm. But it isnt easy to find and also changing the bowden means that there's some changing needed on the clamps that hold the bowden.

    It's doable? Yes. It's worth? Well for my it was fun do adapt it. I learned a lot. But I don't think it's worth unless you go double extruders or you really really need 1.75mm filament.

    Btw also. Most of the time companies sell 3mm that it's 2.85mm. So maybe you just didn't know this? Just wondering.

  2. I assume you mean three decimals on the imperial range? I think you'd have to pay quite a bit of cash to get three decimals on the metric scale. And it would be overkill as it's very easy to skew the result even at two decimals by putting a bit too much pressure on the filament.

    It's an excellent tool to have regardless. Also, the cheap ones can usually be modified to give faster readings and access to the min/max function that is usually hiding in the firmware but has no button.


    Indeed. Edited it just after posting :DI got mine on amazon for 40€ or so.

    Edit mine was 24€ on amazon :) not super but just good enough

  3. Thanks @neotko

    I'm going to buy a bowden tube, and print a |Robert| Feeder.


    There's zero designs with pneumatic couplers on youmagine for um2. I would design one first before shopping...

    Something I suppose like this but for UM2. https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-bowden-clamp-v3

    Btw I was able to adapt the robert feeder by just using a m8 cap tool. But it's a lot of manual work :D

  4. The PTFE Isolator coupler inner dia it's 3.2mm, so (I don't have an UM2) but I think you could work with 3mm filament by just changing the bowden tube (one with more dia than the standard one) and designing a clamp for that bowden (using a traditional Pneumatic coupler system for your new bowden dia). It shouldn't by too hard... I think... Specially if you print a |Robert| Feeder and adjust the design to fit that pneumatic m8 screw (I did that on a series of test when I was adapting my UMO+ for 1.75 filament).

    And it's nice sometimes to use 16€ on my machine btw, it prints not cool, but it's nice to have that option when you know you are going to throw 2 kilos of pla in prototypes.

  5. Your design looks nice, I like the way you moved the annoying parts to the sides so you can use the most of the print area.

    The problem I think you might find with a tight fit it's the balance of the magnets strength. I mean..

    If it's too tight the change movement will need to be slower. You can always simulate a ramp so the head change it's fast and also goes slow when it's near the head change (to try to speed it). The problem I found doing this on my second version was that if the head doesn't just 'flow' to the clamp, there's a friction force that affects the x/y position of the head, that after a few head changes will make the printer to fail to repeat the coordinates, so you will end having a print like a Tower of Pisa. To solve this on the second version, and specially on the third and final version, I had to balance the clamp strength with the 'smooth-ness' of the movement. On my current version (I need to get some time and update my pdf) I changed the x/y slightly so the parked head it's the one that slides to meet the head changer. By doing this I removed any friction on the moving part and I can leave the printer for hours without any x/y fail. That's why I think that even changing the angle of the hangar it might flow out by a series of fast x/y movements. Another advantage by having the hangar like me or ultiarjan it's that the x metal bar does the job of 'pushing' in the parked head before it it's retrieved. By changing the angle you will have to use a metal 'thingy' like the one Foehsturm shows on this page post

    In my experience if the head 'hits' the hangar, 1/5 times the x/y will loose alignment. So it's really important to have a smooth slide and to have the parked head on the same position when doing the pickup.

  6. I can't fully answer this since I have the same. But I almost solved by:

    - Aligning the head with a 0.05 gauge feeler.

    - Changing the first layer height. For my 0.2 prints I use 0.2 and 120% material. Also 80% material worked

    - Slowing down the first layer speed

    - Using high quality filament helps

    Ofc the easiest sollution it's to use glue/hairspray/etc.

    Last week I found one of my shafts woobles so right now I'm not sure if that's the problem (now I have to deal with imakr customer service to get a sollution/replacement/wherever). Anyhow speed and calibration make this better and at least my first layer it's close to perfect without glue on the heated bed (pla).

  7. On simplify3d there's an option to compensate the material fluctuations. You print with the settings a cube. Meassure and input the difference. Then when you print with that settings you can compensate the output. Ofc it changes with each material/heat/etc. so you need to do it with each material/settings if you want to keep getting accurate prints. But the nozzle and layer height also affect the holes etc. So for your sollution propably it's better to use a drill...

  8. I think the navigation patterns have change. It's horrible to check forum sections (3 clicks a lots of scrolling on movile) it's something I just don't bother. I just check last posts and because when you enter a post you don't see what section it is... New stuff I can see and read. If it goes beyond that page I will never ever see it.

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