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  1. @neotko, Ultimaker growing to fast. I hope they will manage in near future better customer support. I feel me now really free. have fun too. p.s in forum what i wrote helps to nobody. Because only one who helped much is 3dverkstan Homepage.
  2. How can I delete or remove my user account? I sold my Ultimaker Original Plus and I will not use community Forum anymore. Regards
  3. Wenn dir nichts ausmacht bitte veröffentliche auch deine druckeinstellungen. Glaube mechanische und druckeinstellungsfehler haben deren werk geleistet. Es ist nicht so kompliziert solche fehler zu absolvieren.
  4. Photos from 3d prints looks always bad. In real life conditions we don't release this faults. You are printing little to hot. But you can serve your print settings then we can think better. Next time if possible take photos on daylight use white background. Anyway your print looks not so bad.
  5. 50 is okay. It will not cause any problems in longtherm. But if you are printing in your home abs can cause bad health conditions. 3d printing filaments can produce some really small parts in the air. But you can research yourself I only use PLA in my hobby room (with good air cleaning). I see on your photo there is one silver thing behind your printer, I think it is also for air ventilation.
  6. niyoki


  7. Sold
  8. Which version of Cura are you using? A little more info about your Cura settings can also be helpfull for us to understand what caused this faulty print.
  9. Theorie vs Praxis. 3 Punkt ist beliebt. Ich habe meins auf 4 Feder System umgebaut und bin glücklich. Bed leveling dauert (wenn überhaupt nötig ist) nur 20 Sekunden.
  10. niyoki


    You can klick under male donations red colored "Download without donation" text
  11. niyoki


    You can klick under male donations red colored "Download without donation"
  12. @gr5 there is no bowden Tube, because of this you can not see.:(
  13. I mean axisses from just coming out of the print head. Not the axisses beside walls.
  14. @neotko, thank you for your list. I have a small question about PSFJ6-267 (267mm) from my UMO+ is 268 mm. Should I order 268mm or this is the reason why they formed itself to Banana (the printhead was moving difficult)
  15. @neotko I saw somewhere you also bought X/Y axis somewhere in Europe or I remember wrong. If you can link or write about it can be nice. Because my bed leveling Problems has nothing to do with bed itself, it is just bended (like a banana) axisses from X/Y.
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