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Posts posted by Torgeir

  1. Hi Mari,


    I might also say something about printing slow. 🙂

    As I'm mostly printing small and very small object, where time is not that of an issue, even if it takes 6 hour..

    Here speed is very important and it has to go from slow to very slow sometime, so this is an important issue here.


    Anyway, using "post process script" is a great tool for improving your 3D printed objects.







  2. Hi,


    I could not get this out of my head, so I tried this out in Cura (3.6.0 and 4.6.1) and there was some difference.

    I think this work ok in Cura 3.6.0 (but I've not trying to print..)


    Anyway, I sliced a GT2-20 pulley and made a speed reduction for layer 20 (single layer).


    From the gcode file I've found this:


    Used Cura 3.6.0 and used Post proseccing Script Change AtZ.. speed reduced to 10% for layer 20.




    G0 X107.594 Y103.064 Z4.53

    M605 S0;stores parameters before changing

    ;ChangeAtZ V5.1.1: executed at Layer 20

    M117 Printing... ch@L 20

    M220 S10.000000






    G0 X107.734 Y103.005 Z4.73

    ;ChangeAtZ V5.1.1: reset on Layer 21

    M606 S0;recalls saved settings


    Cura 4.6.1


    ;ChangeAtZ instances: 1 (This is in the info part in the beginning of this file).


    No AtZ here in the beginning of line 20, as in Cura 3.6.0!



    M204 S3000

    M205 X20 Y20


    But further down, -it is found just at the end of layer 20?


    M605 S0;stores parameters before changing

    ;ChangeAtZ V5.1.1: executed at Layer 20

    M117 Printing... ch@L 20

    M220 S10.000000

    G0 F9000 X104.924 Y104.924




    ;ChangeAtZ V5.1.1: reset on Layer 21

    M606 S0;recalls saved settings

    G0 F9000 X104.924 Y104.924




    To me it looks like Cura 4.6.1 is working in one layer ahead of the one selected, also the start and stop position is changed.


    But this is for someone else to dig into..  🙂






  3. Hi aaerelon,



    Oh yes., this was quite different for sure, this object is kind of difficult to print as there is no platform/bottom.


    I'll think someone in here mention that is better to dimension wall thickness in the stc file, as this is better for Cura slicer to recognize.

    So maybe define wall thickness same as you print, might be worth a try?


    I've also tried to use Cura 3.6.0 and found this one better, Cura also made one (or more?) version that's traveled along the mid wall. Made my prints nicer for sure.


    Anyway, whatever path you take, good luck.







  4. Hi aaerelon,


    Not sure if I understood this right, -but you wanted to print your model in spiraling mode, so I made a test with Cura 4.6.1.

    The model was sliced ok, but a check of the "print file" with the gcode viewer, shoved two issues: a small sector of a single line was missing and one small missing overlap(?). I thought this was strange as the model is made in sprialing mode..

    Today I've been using my S3D for some viewing of old sliced print I have. This made thinking about your problem, so I just loaded up your model, sliced with Cura 4.6.1. To my surprise, your model come up without any error, perfect sliced!

    The "simulator" in S3D showed a proper spiralized model.  So I installed Cura 3.6.0 again, gcode viewer showed the same as S3D.


    Here's some pictures:



    The sliced model with Cura 4.6.1



    The picture of "gcode print file" showing two errors, viewed with the viewer of Cura 4.6.1.



    And lastly the same gcode file viewed in S3D with no error!


    Here is the gcode file of your model sliced with Cura 4.6.1:









  5. Hi Folks,


    Welcome in here.

    Since I built my printer I've had some issues and want to give you some hint.

    The most important part for this plus upgrade is the feeder system, IMO.

    This cause the feeder wheel (knurled) is connected directly to the stepper motor, so during a long time print this wheel can be quite warm (as it is heated directly through the stepper shaft it is fixed to). This thing in like a "warm knife in butter", under printing with some load (high pressure in the feeder tube) this wheel start grinding the filament and will cause under extrusion as the feeder cannot deliver the amount of filament needed.


    If you want to go for a geared option (you can print the gearbox in PLA), make sure to turn around the original feeder unit.

    This mean, to have the knurled feeder wheel to grab the filament at the inside of the loop path out of the filament roll.

    I've used this since late 2015 and advice this many times here, but I'm not sure that people get this idea.

    However, I now have seen that the UMS5 is using this approach as well, -so you can make your printer quite better at this point.


    Further, I've also made a quick release system for the old feeder, I can feed the filament easily all the way without the need of using the stepper motor. The original stepper motor used by UM2 is a 400 step/360 degrees, but in the plus version (and kit) they use a 200 step/ degrees motor. So this is a little different, however, it is easy to change the step rate in the firmware, so no problem using the old stepper and the old feeder -as well the old firmware!


    In my setup, I used same belt as the short one in UM2, (200 mm GT2) belt as it was easy and inexpensive to get.

    Then you will need two pulleys with the right ratio differences. Here I've used a 16 tooth at the stepper shaft and a 23 tooth at the "feeder drive" shaft, this give a ratio gear of 1:2. By doing so the torque drive to the filament is doubled!

    You will need a 5 mm diameter shaft at 45 mm length, plus two bearing that fits into the gearbox.

    If you are using a 200 step/360 degrees motor, you do not need to makes any change to the firmware.


    The top and the bottom of the extruder is easy to print in PLA, but over time it will be better with some equivalent high temp filament.


    Next up will be the Ollson block, but you do not need anything else, the PT100 and the heater is good enough, no problem!

    But here you might be very carefully when removing the heater and the PT100 from the old block.

    Do not re bend the sharp 90 degrees angle, move it without disturbing the current bend, as it may break. They tend to be stuck, try to push them out via the lock screw hole using a small rod without sharp edges, a little heat might help.

    I will assume the plus upgrade might handle any quality issues that (was known?) and might improve the original somehow, but since I built mine with all the quality issues, shaft play etc. etc. I'll guess all that was not an issue later for me since I had no problem.  But sure I do not know..


    Well, that's was maybe a little too much, anyway it may perhaps give a little inspiration.


    Sure there it's lot's more, but later..


    Here is some pictures of my setup (that's all in all contains some 11 different modifications, but still using same firmware):



    Feeder and top part of extruder head.




    Some modification to lo end of extruder head.




    Extension of fan to improve radiator flow through.




    The feeder unit with manull feed handle.






    • Like 1
  6. Hi,


    Well, I may jump in as I'm an owner of an UM2E (not a plus model), however modified to act as a plus model.  🙂


    Heat bed 60 deg. C and nozzle at 200 for PLA, absolute max for PLA is approx 240 deg. C. But never go that high with PLA!

    Different brand of PLA temp setting might differs slightly, but this values is good estimates.

    For printing in the lo temperature end, you can print as lo as 180 deg. C., But just practice at 200 will be a good start.

    Make sure you bed is clean, wash with mild soap, and when you feel with your fingers during last rinsing that your fingers kind of stick to the glass, then it is good. Water temp (35-40) deg. C.

    Sometimes we found that the glass plate is not really flat at both sides, so I've marked mine up in the left forward corner using a permanent (black) withe boarder pen.

    When adjusting the height, I am using kind of thin paper, just as the recipt from an atm.

    It is important that the first layer is kind of squeezed to make it "glued" to the heat bed.

    To remove the printed object we need to use a tiny sharp blade, I've found that the painters paint remover to be used when removing dried paint is the best tool for this. But, before trying to remove the printed object, let it cool down -then it will be easy to remove.  When the printed objects underside (bed side) can be used as a mirror, your first layer is really good.


    Anyway, happy 3D printing and good luck.






    • Like 1
  7. I did not reflect your model for sure, but this is a general thing all the time during printing. I have never tried to measure this "normal violent" acceleration/deceleration bu I am sure it is very hi..  🙂





  8. Hi Robert,


    On 5/20/2020 at 8:45 PM, Torgeir said:

    use a skirt that have a little distance from your object (say (1-1.5)mm) that is wide enough to shield the heat away from the overhang.

    Hmm... I'm not quite sure how this would work? A single layer of plastic directly on the platform will still be at the same temperature as the glass. I don't think I've ever heard this suggested before so I'm a bit hesitant to accept it straight off the bat




    We know that the heat radiation from the bed can be quite directed to our print object and can degrade surfaces of our print.

    But, by using a layer of filament at the bed surface around our print object, we can reduce the direct heat radiation. So by using this method the heat radiation will be spread over a wider angle and hence reduce the heat spot effect. Using this method may help, but will depend of the kind of the color chosen and thickness of this layer.

    All this is from the "thermodynamics" that's been part of my job.






  9. Hi,


    I'll think you have a coupler that's collect filament (as a ring) in between the bottom flat of the coupler and the upper flange of the heat block. I have had only one grinding of filament at the feeder, and this was the cause of my problem!

    This ring will build up, and become a solid barrier for the filament feeding system.


    As I see some black colored remains at the bottom of the coupler flange, this tells a story.


    Here's a magnified picture of your coupler:



    Good luck






  10. Hi denormalize,


    Welcome in here!

    When I look at your pictures, I think this is not a very much squeezed first layer. Say so because first layer always give high pressure at the nozzle. In your case, the pressure is very lo..

    So this one probably is the coupler, the withe device just above the heat block in the extruder. This coupler will over time shrink and have less diameter due to temperature and compression.

    So first question; during normal print, how much does the nozzle temperature variate in Celsius? Normally, if your printer is good not more than plus minus 1 deg. Celsius. If this is normal on your printer or just close to this, just continue to next point..

    Since you say your filaments is grinded the "only" place to look is at the coupler for reduced diameter that will (most often) stop the filament moving further.

    This coupler is a known issue for this problem.




    Good luck





  11. Hi ReallyBadDancer,


    You have several different problems for sure. So lets start with the first one you've mentioned, the bed warping and bad overhang. Your object have smaller footprint than the top part, this is the overhang in this issue, right?


    The problem here is the fact that the overhang start directly from the heat bed. Heat from the close by bed plus nozzle is to much so plastic do not cool down and tend to creep down, this normally happen in this situation.


    So cure for this is; either to print with blue tape (not using heat bed) or use a skirt that have a little distance from your object (say (1-1.5)mm) that is wide enough to shield the heat away from the overhang. Make sure that this skirt is wide enough say 20 lines or so.. Sometimes this is just not enough, so then to the blue tape.


    Now to your other problem that's started with some loose pulleys.

    The important thing to notice is the way you object is orientated on the bed, where is the front of you object pointing?

    When we are looking into our printer, the "face" we see of you object is the front.


    By knowing this, it is easy to see what your problem is. I can say it is not a Z or height issue as this only open up between layers without an offset in the X/Y plane. But only a X/Y offset can create such an error as shown here.

    I think about a climbing belt on a pulley, this can create such an offset and make strange noise when printing. This can make noise just one way, or both ways.


    When adjusting/tightening a pulley, it is very important to make sure that the pulley do not slide out of the position along the shaft!  Most often it is the short belts pulleys that's come loose, this due to the fact those four (4) pulleys are the ones carrying the highest torque when printing.


    The important thing here is to make sure that the belts are strait, and that there is no offset differences between the two pulleys

    going from each stepper motor up to the 8 mm long shafts.

    First make sure that both X and Y stepper belt have no offset, good light and mirror is tools for this inspection.


    When such thing have been on for some time, you might see remains from the belts in any of the corner that's tells something.

    The long belts have to stay absolutely parallel (right above or below the shafts) with each axis (4 by 8mm). If one of the pulleys is offset center of axis, the belt will bend to one of the sides of the pulley when the (6mm) slider approach it.


    This is the tips I'll hope work for you.

    However, information about the orientation of the print object when printed will tell a lot about you problem.







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