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  1. MariMakes's post in Bridging not enabled for this part - should it be? was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Jpileggi
    Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉
    Do I understand correctly that you want that are to be bridged but it isn't? 
    We have a setting that's called Bridge Skin Support Threshold that might help you out here. 

    In a layer it looks at the proportion of the bridge compared to the non bridged area. 
    If you increase the value more area's will be bridged.

    Is that the setting you are looking for? 
  2. MariMakes's post in Cura 5.2.1 Infill problem (in the air) was marked as the answer   
    Hey @simonask,
    Thanks for the file!
    It's indeed your gradual infill steps!

    If you restore this value to 0 you see the infill act as expected. 

    Good luck with your print! 💪
  3. MariMakes's post in Cura places half of every object below the build plate was marked as the answer   
    Hey @SnowShoe,

    Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉
    Are you really using Cura 4.2.1? Or do you mean Cura 5.2.1?
    If you are, I'm just super curious why you are stuck on Cura version that is released in August 2019.

    What kind of files are you trying to load? 
    One of the benefits of .3mf files is that they remember their position in space. 
    If you are trying to load a .3mf that is saved half below the buildplate plane, it will load like that. 
    STLs shouldn't be impacted by this. 
  4. MariMakes's post in NOT SUPPORTED?? was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Rotorfreak,

    I'm sorry to hear that you feel you are limited by the workflow.
    There is still plenty of options to customize. 

    All values can be changed, you won't have to see the regular PLA material type when you are working with it. 

    If I would want to make a PETG CF material like you described I would Create New material and put PETG as material type. I can still alter the temperatures you mentioned and select it without seeing the material type. 

    If you are feeling brave you can unlink your material and alter settings in your xml.fdm_material file. 
    It shows up in the Materials folder in your Configuration Folder. 
    You can use https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/main/resources/definitions/fdmprinter.def.json as a cheat sheet for the settings you need. 

    Good luck! 💪
  5. MariMakes's post in Cura missing surface in walls too close was marked as the answer   
    Hey @koiker,
    Welcome to the Ultimaker Forum 🚀 
    That's an interesting STL! It seems to be 2 meshes in one. 
    If you print it like this, you will have a hoovering layer and I believe your printjob will likely fail. 😮
    Do you see that the brim is not applied everywhere?

    I used the Meshtools Plugin to split the STL in two meshes. 
    You can get it here: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/fieldofview/MeshTools

    By splitting it you can print it as it's intended two models and it looks like this

    Was that what you are looking for? 

  6. MariMakes's post in Cura missing bridges! was marked as the answer   
    Hey @paoletto,
    Thanks for your report 👍
    This reminds me of https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/13623

    Can you check for me if your Bridge Skin Support Threshold is high enough? 
    You can read more about the setting in the settings guide.
  7. MariMakes's post in How can I raise a model above the print bed so more support is below it? was marked as the answer   
    Hey @iguanaman,
    Welcome to the Ultimaker Cura Github 🚀 
    You can change a setting in your preferences that will prevent the model from dropping to the buildplate.
    I use it to resolve similar problems.

    I hope this helps, good luck with the plate. 😊
  8. MariMakes's post in Ultrafuse 316L profile doesnt generate a shrinkage plate was marked as the answer   
    Hey @fabianholzer_listgc,
    I got confirmation from our friends at BASF. 
    You can interchange the two different metals and keep everything else the same.
    So you can use the settings from 17-4 PH but load 316L in your printer, and you should get the same results. 
    So you can finish your spool 316L. 🎉
    Apologies for any confusion and happy metal printing!
  9. MariMakes's post in Adjust temp by non ultimaker filament was marked as the answer   
    Hey  @ceeshermans,
    Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🚀

    If it's just a few printjobs you want to change the temperature, you can change it in the settings here:

    If you intent to use the material more you can create a new material with the new temperature as default. Like @ahoeben suggested, tou can do this by duplicating the existing materials.

    When you do this, please make sure that you don't change the Material Type. When you changed it too much you'll see this: 

    Good luck! Will you let us know if this worked for you? 👼
  10. MariMakes's post in strange no print zone at front and back was marked as the answer   
    Hey @jacprint,

    If I change your Build Plate Adhesion Type to None you can reach 216x216x11

    That way you'll only see the single greyed out areas that have to do with the clips.

    Hope this helps 🙏
  11. MariMakes's post in Known Leveling Issues with Ultimaker S5s and S3s - [SOLVED] was marked as the answer   
    A new version of the Firmware with a fix has been released! 🎉

    You can download it here:
    Or on your printer on the latest channel. 

    Release notes can be found here:

    Happy Printing 😄
  12. MariMakes's post in Custom Support was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Beretta031,

    I believe what you are seeing is expected.
    Support generates in the areas that are red if you look at the bottom of the model. 
    If a support blocker is placed over these red ares, these areas will not be supported.
    In your case support is generated for the hands and not for the trophee handles.
    You can read more about it here. 

    I printed the tree support mentioned above and it came out great. 

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