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Posts posted by burtoogle

  1. 6 minutes ago, icare said:


    Do you have an email list to be notified that a new version is available?


    Sorry, no. You just have to check the dropbox folder every now and again.


    I'm about to take a week off but, normally, I am releasing builds whenever there's some upstream activity worth trying or I have fixed a significant bug or created some noteworthy new feature (in other words, releases are totally random!)

  2. Hi @icare, you're welcome. As far as I am aware, the pi build is fully functional in the sense that it contains all the features (and bugs!) that the x86 version does. However, due to the level of OpenGL supported by the pi being less than 4.1, the layer display falls back to compatibility mode. I can't do anything about that and I don't know if the pi will ever support 4.1. Other than that, performance isn't too bad given the cost of the platform. Have fun!

  3. Thanks for the file. Looking at the layer view, the first thing that strikes me is that the model isn't flat on the build plate because you can see there is a wedge of support under part of the model. That can't be helping the adhesion.


    Secondly, it's still printing the first layer at 25 mm/S which doesn't sound very fast but given that the model has some fairly sharp bends in the walls is probably too fast. I would try 15 mm/S or even 10 for the first layer speed.


    Thirdly, it's worth enabling the optimize wall printing order setting.


    Fourthly, you may want to use a thicker layer for the first layer as that can also help adhesion.


    Hope this helps!


  4. The mesh tools are a plugin you install from the Cura marketplace.


    How you fix the model is beyond my knowledge, sorry.


    Most likely you will need to fix it before loading it into Cura.

  5. Thanks for the file. I think a big part of the problem is that the model is not good. It appears to be made from a number of meshes and it should be a single mesh.




    You can see in the image that the mesh tools plugin is unhappy (let's face it, a benchy that isn't watertight is about as much use as a chocolate frying pan!)


    Looking at the layer view behind you can see that something is screwy with the door frame.


    So, first step, fix the model.


  6. Hello @DonaldNaegele, without seeing all of the settings you used it's difficult to tell exactly what's wrong. For starters, I would check that you are using no-skin combing mode and set the max comb distance with no retract to something like 10 or 20. There's heaps of other settings that could make a difference. If you provided the project file, that would be a help.

  7. Thinking about it some more, I would imagine that Ultimaker's Cura should make a reasonable job of your print if you use a line width of about 0.2mm and enable spiralization. You also need to set the number of bottom layers to 0 so that the spiralization starts from the very bottom.

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  8. Hello @Robh. The walls are very thin and that is a problem for the standard wall printing mechanism that Cura uses. I had to reduce the line width to around 0.25 to get it to produce walls. The problem then is that because Cura always prints walls like this as two lines (the inside of the wall and the outside) you will probably end up with overextrusion. You can enable the wall overlap compensation to help it cope but, very likely, the result will be ugly.


    The alternative is to enable the print thin walls option but that may not give great results either as the implementation that Ultimaker Cura provides has some problems. If you are using Windows or Linux you could try one of my Cura builds that feature a different implementation of the thin walls feature and it may give better results. Here's the layer view I see when the thin walls feature is enabled (IMHO, it looks OK)...




     My Cura releases also feature some improvements to the spiralization and that does give quite nice looking results as you an see here...




    If you wish to try my Cura builds they can be installed alongside the Ultimaker releases without conflicting. They can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0


    Hope this helps!



  9. Hi @ziopietro, I'm afraid I haven't found the cause of this problem yet. However, I would be grateful if you could try running the most recent development AppImage I have produced as this is using the latest Qt and PyQt (5.13 as opposed to 5.10 which is used in the Ultimaker releases and also until very recently my releases also). I expect that to fail as well but it's worth trying just to verify. You can find my builds at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0

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