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Posts posted by burtoogle

  1. Hello @kulfuerst, glad to hear that has done the trick.


    The problem is caused by very short skin and infill lines being generated by the slicer. Some time back, I suggested to the Cura devs that we filtered those out but they didn't go along with that. I can't remember why, now. So, all I can do is put the fix into my Cura builds which you are welcome to try and submit the fix to the devs with the hope that they accept it. As I still have quite a few contributions outstanding, I don't hold out much hope of the fix being accepted any time soon.

  2. I'm sorry, I can't currently slice your project as Cura says there is some problem with the settings. I don't think it is your project file that's wrong. Maybe it's the printer definition or because my Cura is on the "bleeding edge".


    If any Cura devs read this, here's something that could be relevant...

    EDIT - oh, no, I see that other printers have similar red region so I gues that's not relevant to this problem.



    Meanwhile, all I can suggest is that you try enabling combing (use mode not in skin). Sorry I can't be of more help right now.

  3. The fix is now merged into Ultimaker/master so you don't have to use my repo.


    Looking at your log, you have other problems:


    2019-07-26 15:51:32,769 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [84]: Exception: Import error loading module USBPrinting
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,769 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]: Traceback (most recent call last):
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,769 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/UM/PluginRegistry.py", line 539, in _findPlugin
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,769 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:     module = imp.load_module(plugin_id, file, path, desc) #type: ignore #MyPy gets the wrong output type from imp
    .find_module for some reason.
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,769 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/imp.py", line 244, in load_module
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,769 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:     return load_package(name, filename)
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,769 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/imp.py", line 216, in load_package
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,769 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:     return _load(spec)
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,770 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 696, in _load
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,770 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 677, in _load_unlocked
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,770 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,770 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,770 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "/usr/lib/cura/plugins/USBPrinting/__init__.py", line 4, in <module>
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,770 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:     from . import USBPrinterOutputDeviceManager
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,770 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "/usr/lib/cura/plugins/USBPrinting/USBPrinterOutputDeviceManager.py", line 6, in <module>
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,770 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:     import serial.tools.list_ports
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,770 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'serial'




    2019-07-26 15:51:32,773 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [84]: Exception: Import error loading module AMFReader
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,774 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]: Traceback (most recent call last):
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,774 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/UM/PluginRegistry.py", line 539, in _findPlugin
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,774 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:     module = imp.load_module(plugin_id, file, path, desc) #type: ignore #MyPy gets the wrong output type from imp.find_module for some reason.
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,774 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/imp.py", line 244, in load_module
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,774 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:     return load_package(name, filename)
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,774 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/imp.py", line 216, in load_package
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,774 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:     return _load(spec)
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,774 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 696, in _load
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,774 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 677, in _load_unlocked
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,775 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,775 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,775 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "/usr/lib/cura/plugins/AMFReader/__init__.py", line 4, in <module>
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,775 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:     from . import AMFReader
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,775 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:   File "/usr/lib/cura/plugins/AMFReader/AMFReader.py", line 20, in <module>
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,775 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]:     import trimesh
    2019-07-26 15:51:32,775 - ERROR - [MainThread] UM.Logger.logException [88]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'trimesh'



  4. Hello @johnse, thanks for that info. However, I doubt if I can summon the enthusiasm to investigate that. Getting an OS X build working in the first place was a PITA so I will stick to Windows and Linux builds from now on. If anyone else can be bothered to do it, the source code is all available.

  5. Hi @MarissaP, thanks for the file. I recommend the following changes:


    1 - set the outer wall wipe distance to 0.


    2 - set the min wall flow to something like 50.


    You may also wish to reduce the max resolution setting from the default value to something smaller as that will make the z-seam wander around less.


    Hope this helps.

  6. 2 hours ago, TypQxQ said:

    and no one cares about it...


    Not entirely true.


    The Cura developers are working on improving the wall gap filling and thin wall printing.


    In the meantime you could try one of my builds that has a completely different implementation of those features and, generally, works a lot better. You can find my builds (Windows and Linux only, sorry) at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0.


    Hope this helps.

  7. 4 hours ago, ahoeben said:

    Cura is bound to Python in much more than just its GUI. Even profiles and printer definitions contain Python code to specify relations between settings.


    If you want to handle these profiles and definitions in the browser, you would either need a Python interpreter in the browser, or accept that there will be no backwards compatibility.


    No, I'm not suggesting that the profiles & definitions are handled in the browser. You could still have a python app like now except the UI would be browser based and use WebGL (or whatever it is called) for the 3d part. The app would be a web server that you just point a browser at.

  8. Over and over again, we see people having problems with OpenGL and graphics drivers, etc. On all platforms.


    It occurs to me that Cura would be much improved by moving the entire UI into a browser and use the browser's native 3d graphics capabilities to do the heavy lifting. You could still keep all the python config stuff (or not, it would be a lot of work to replace it all). But all of the Qt and PyQt stuff could be replaced with web technology (HTML, Javascript, etc.) Solve a lot of problems and make remote access a doddle.



  9. Thanks for the file @cerons. It only contains the model and not the settings (you need to do File -> Save to save the settings and the model). Anyway, the model has problems. The mesh tools say it's not watertight (bad news for a water slide!). To be printable, the model needs to be watertight.





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  10. Hello @cerons, it's hard to tell looking at your images exactly what is wrong. My first guess is that the model is too thin compared to the line widths, layer height, etc. It would help a lot if you could save the project file (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread. Thanks.

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