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Posts posted by burtoogle

  1. Hello @rob0213, that's how combing is designed to work. Combing does not normally use retractions when moving the nozzle within a single part. There is a setting called something like max comb distance without retraction, when you set that to a non-zero value, combed travel moves further than that distance will use retraction. The best quality results are often achieved by setting the combing mode to not in skin and using a non-zero value for the max comb distance... Hope this helps.

  2. 3 hours ago, salomon said:

    Minimum wall flow setting solve the problem Thanks a lot.

    I have additional question: why it did the second run over the print with 0 flow? is it because of design of the shape? 


    Cura always prints non-thin walls as a pair of lines, the inside and outside edges of the wall outline. Thin walls are handled differently.

  3. 5 hours ago, stock3d said:

    I have attached the Gcode you will notice that there is a number of M104 that progressively lower the temp I did not put this into the Gcode looks like a temp tower default.


    Indeed, there's a change-at-z script active, that's the cause of the reducing temperature.

  4. 13 minutes ago, PrintJan said:

    To me it looks there are a couple of G0 F2400 E... commands which extrude but without any movement. But I'm fairly new to g-code so it might be normal?


    Yes, they are just normal retract and un-retract commands that bracket a travel move.


  5. Also, to improve the print quality I would change the combing mode to not in skin and set the max comb distance with no retract to something like 10 or 20. Gyroid infill would work well with this design.

  6. Setting Support Placement to Touching Buildplate will remove that support from the voids within your model. Here's your model mesh and you can see the tubular cavities that are being filled with support...




    Those cavities won't get filled with infill, you need to remove them to get a completely solid object.

  7. I don't know what the problem is here because with my bowden extruder I am retracting 4mm at 30 mm/s and it does it with no really noticeable delay (well, 133 mS, I guess). So there must be something in your firmware that is limiting the extruder speed. Perhaps your extruder accel/jerk is out of whack?

  8. 1 hour ago, davidconeff said:

    Is there a way to do this via plug-in and not having to get too familiar with the Cura codebase itself?


    I'm afraid not. You would have to delve into the C++ code in the backend to be able to add/change the skin patterns.

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