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Posts posted by Mari

  1. ... firmware-updates for your ender 3 pro can you find on the website of creality!


    If the printers are working properly, why updating the firmware?


    For firmware-upgrades you need some software to put the update onto the mainboard (also to be found on the Creality website) and a cable (to connect your PC to the mainboard of the printer). If your printers have a bootloader there are other ways to do firmware-upgrades!


    Other question, how do you know you have marlin 0.0.6.? I have also a Ender 3 Pro but I can't find out which version Marlin I have...

  2. Sure you have installed the latest updates? Including the drivers of the graphic-card?


    If it was Cura that "bricks" the computer, there should me many more complaints about it! So start with telling us more about your computer...

  3. Zoek op YouTube maar eens op "calibrate 3D printer"... staan verschillende filmpjes op met uitleg over hoe en wat!


    In geval van een Ender 3 Pro heeft deze vanaf de fabriek een bepaalde instelling meegekregen, maar niet alle stappenmotoren zijn identiek dus kunnen afwijken. Om je printer goed te laten werken kun je dus de e-steps van  al deze stappenmotoren wijzigen (= calibreren).

  4. Mijn vorige post gelijktijdig met die van @JozefD gedaan 😉


    Mij lijkt het als je de flow van 100 naar 150% moet verhogen om een fatsoenlijke print te krijgen, je eens zou moeten kijken of je extruder wel de juiste hoeveelheid materiaal probeert door te voeren! Kloppen de e-steps van je extruder wel? Ik heb die van mijn Ender 3 Pro dus aangepast!

  5. ... the ender 3 pro has a flexible magnetic mat... this mat has a structure, so the bottom will never be as smooth as printing on glass!


    I agree that the first step is to level the bed, I always use a Gcode-file from a guy called Chuck (CHEP on YouTube)... I run this file twice to get the best bed-leveling... and when its done correctly you can print many many hours before you have to level the bed again.  Take a look at Chuck's website for bedleveling your Ender 3 (Pro) --> https://www.chepclub.com/bed-level.html


    Next step is to dial-in the printer... for the best result it has to extrude the right amount of material... I know a few people who have an Ender 3 Pro, we all had to calibrate the extruder e-steps...

    • Like 1
  6. Removing and placing the flexible magnetic mat doesn't change the bed-leveling (I only had to level the bed 3 times in the past 18 months)...


    It looks like there is some left residue from previous prints, did you clean the printbed? The flexible magnetic bed can best be cleaned with isopropynol alcohol, max. 70%... Without cleaning the material will not stick to the printbed that good...


    What material are you printing? at what temperatures (nozzle and bed)?

  7. Instead of the Gcode it is better to attach the Project-File, then we have not only the item but also your printer settings... attach a project-file that is correct and one that doesn't work...


    For comparing Gcode you could use a program like NotePad++...


    What material are U using? PLA? PETG? ABS?



  8. _Cura_model_face_to_buildplate.thumb.png.20297aecd6c44b5ca71728f0109e3cb7.png


    Else select this option and then the face of the object you want to put flat on the buildplate!  Sometimes it doesn't work that easy when the face is not flat at all

  9. ... there are 2 different things, machine settings and cura profiles... you create machine settings once for a printer, but the cura profiles you keep tweaking to get better prints.... Luckily there are some people who create Cura profiles and share them...


    The profiles I like the most are to be found on this website:  https://www.chepclub.com/cura-profiles.html


    Creality Slicer is and old version of Cura (and Cura changed a lot in the past year) so don't think you can export/import the profiles that easy...

  10. With this little information we can't really help! We don't know your machine settings nor your Cura settings!


    Attach the project-file so we can see your machine settings and cura settings! -->File - Save Project


    Keep filenames as short as possible, don't use spaces to make filename easy readable!


    I see you only test 2 files, so it seems that one of the 2 files is corrupted or not sliced the way it should. Re-slice that file, put in on Micro-SD card and try again!

  11. Simply choose one of the other Creality printers, for example Ender 3 Pro and rename it... after that you only have to change a few settings (buildplate volume)... after that you are ready to go!




    For CR-05 Pro:  X = 300, Y = 255 and Z = 380

    For Ender 6:  X = 250, Y = 250 and Z = 400

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  12. If you did multiply, all object should be the same... there is some difference in height and 2 of the object are not placed flat on the buildplate! Things probably have changed by moving the object around, you should be more carefull and precise...


    After placing those 2 object flat on the buildplate I was able to print all 3 in preview-mode... give it a try



    Printer can't print in mid-air, therefore the object are not printed 🤪



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