Thank you I will try that tonight. Out of curiosity how would you print something similar if there wasn't two pieces thus not giving it much time too cool? I have a few other prints that would have the same type of problems.
You could change the cold head lift so the head takes a 'break' after each layer if the layer it's less that X time. That z raise might make little strings or blops. Also you could change the speed at z (there's a pluging for that on the old cura (sorry I haven't use the new one and don't know if you can do it on its current version).
On s3d you can define a minimum work area so it levels down the speed. That also works but with some materials can cause burns since the nozzle stays too much time on the same small area.
The best option it's to just print 2 or a small tower away that makes the head move away a bit so the design cools.
I would still print 2 even though i only needed one or print a small tower next to it.
I find other features like cool head lift introduces to many imperfections
can you add a small tower to the design, then cut it away with a knife later on? 1mm should be enough..
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Labern 775
You say you have only tried the fish head.
If you print both at the same time this will give more time for one to cool.
Try and lower the nozzle temp as much as possible. Eg 190 degrees at 30mm/s for pla.
Make sure the fans are on full.
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