KevinMakes 22
Sooo...heres teh problem. First of all there is a formula to figure out how hot the heaters should get at a known voltage... if the thermistor does not read the temperature as being within...(3deg) (its been a while since I read through the firmware) then you will get an error.
Thought #2
You will have to change the firmware... Dont try to avoid it.... theres no way around it.
My suggestion. Use the second heater connection on the motherboard for dual extrusion that never came to be...(thanks a lot UltiHeadCheeses) and then use the dual extrusion firmware that is (very) well hidden in the cura software. install that firmware. then when you start a print turn that heater on in the options to the desired temperature (requires a second thermistor)
Any questions just reply here. Ill talk you through the painful stuff.
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lars86 42
I reduced the wall thickness on the heat brake and the seemed to help. I was able to get it running a print (still took a while to reach temperature). But only a few minutes in, the display started doing that "fade out" thing and gave me a "heating failed" error.
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