thats normal oozing.
every model gets a little of this.
just take a sharp knife and poooof, gone...
thats normal oozing.
every model gets a little of this.
just take a sharp knife and poooof, gone...
This happens since the new version of netfabb. Because the 'dot' get so big, after you cut it, there is a white spot on the part. In the version before, the movement away at the end just results in a very thin string which can be removed without a tool. Can we have the old style of behavior at the end of printing?
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IRobertI 521
Are you sure it's extruding while moving the platform down? I'd think it's simply oozing you're seeing.
Regardless, you can fix this. Look under the "Machine" tab and you'll find a button with three dots in it (...) to the right of "Machine type". Click this button and you'll get a popup window full of settings. At the top of that window is a check box for "Move Z down after printing", uncheck this. Now switch tabs to the "Ultimaker (volumetric) specific" tab and you'll find a box where you can put in a GCode footer. You could probably steal the footer from cura and put that in there. If memory serves what cura does is retract a little bit and then move the head straight out to the side.
Underneath the "Move Z down after printing" checkbox there's also a "Move to position after printing" setting where you could tell the head to move to the side. However, I'm not sure how fast it will move and if it will do one after the other (that is, move down first, then move to the side thus having the same issue). Some experimentation is in order
But I think the first suggestion is better since it gives you better control.
Hope that helps.
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