Thanks for the reply. And thank you as well for including suggestions for different temperature settings and layers.
Is there a formula that provides a good starting point for the relationship between layer height, filament temperature and build speed?
It took us a while of trial and error to arrive at the 205ºC/40mm/0.1mm value!
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gr5 2,265
You can probably speed things up a lot. Well it all depends on the print but often you can print with no infill. For parts shaped like a potato versus parts shaped like forest of trees you may get great speed improvements.
The obvious answer is to print thicker/faster/hotter. If you simply switch from .1mm layers to .2mm layers it will complete in half the time (11 hours versus 22 hours) but note that you probably have to increase the temperature. At your current speed of 40mm/sec and at .1mm layer height you want at least 200C. But at .2mm layers you want at least 225C. This will lower quality a bit but you will probably be fine with it.
or you can go somewhere in between - .15mm layers needs about 210C at 40mm/sec.
If your parts has lots of straight lines then speeding up print speed will also help but if it has lots of very short lines for example yoda or pretty much any sculpture (animal, person) then it probably won't print much faster with higher print speeds as it needs to slow down at every vertex anyway.
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