Yes I did read about ABS particles
I have a powered exhaust vent running to the outside.
I'm sure it doesn't get everything though.
Yes I did read about ABS particles
I have a powered exhaust vent running to the outside.
I'm sure it doesn't get everything though.
As you are printing ABS I guess I am surprised that you do not have the "roof" enclosed.
I think that 80°c is the temperature at which stepper motor can begin to skip steps
If I cover the roof more completely the temp goes way above 50.
Covering the front makes the biggest difference as the hot end fan blows the nice warm air right out the front.
I wonder if you can turn that fan around to blow toward the back of the unit?
I think I will sneak up on the air temp, might make some manner of heat shield for the steppers.
Interesting, my printer is designed for ABS, it is fully enclosed. I must confess I have no idea what the internal temp gets to but after 2 years+ nothing has broken - but I do print more PLA than ABS.
I am thinking the air temp in an entirely enclosed unit would be lower as I'm more or less enclosing a much smaller volume with only convection to pull in cooler air.
I'm guessing you have some manner of exhaust too which will also bring it down by pulling in the cooler make up air.
I am toying with enclosing my printer as well.
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niyoki 21
50 is okay. It will not cause any problems in longtherm. But if you are printing in your home abs can cause bad health conditions. 3d printing filaments can produce some really small parts in the air. But you can research yourself I only use PLA in my hobby room (with good air cleaning). I see on your photo there is one silver thing behind your printer, I think it is also for air ventilation.
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