Grab the bowden gently at the feeder and lift. Repeat at the print head. If it isn't tight - if it slides in and out - then fix that first. If that is fixed in place then 4.5mm is just about perfect for retraction distance. The faster the better for the retraction speed because that means less time sitting there oozing while retracting. Even more important you can get good results possibly by increasing the extruder acceleration but if you are going to do that you need to get out a micrometer or ruler and remove the bowden and use repetier host to move the filament 100mm at a time up and down with different accelerations until you find where it loses steps.
More likely the fix for your stringing is to lower the temperature.
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Job_van_gennip 23
If you look here you can see 3 values. If you have very small differences between two towers for example between which the stringing appears you should decrease the first number. It decides from when it does the retraction.
If you print a very little amount between the different parts you should decrease the second number. for example when you print very thin features. Then lastly you have the z hop which will move your build plate down you it retracts. This should be increased if you want it to have more effect.
Could you add a picture of your build than i could help you with the settings.
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