I typically get a sting at the last point the nozzle was on the print.
Are you using z hop, that might be making those other blobs and stings. Retraction blobs are something I still can not eliminate.
I typically get a sting at the last point the nozzle was on the print.
Are you using z hop, that might be making those other blobs and stings. Retraction blobs are something I still can not eliminate.
you can try messing with the cooling option, if the print head has slowed down on the last few layers I've found it can melt the layers underneath and cause that kind of deformation. Good luck, keep us posted!!!
No not normally, I only use z-hop if the model is obviously going to be close to or indeed will violate my minimum layer time of 10 secs. Having said that I do not think z-hop comes into effect, unless the minimum layer time is violated - I could be wrong on that, never thought about it.
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yellowshark 153
Well it happens to me just only very occasionally so I have never taken the time to try and work out why. I just cut it off with a hobby knife. It could be the filament or you could be printing too hot but that would tend to lead to more stringing not just a blob at the end of the print. I use the standard Cura retraction settings although they seem to change settings with their releases so that statement is probably not helpful.
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