what. completely unusable?
I have a 5yr old Asus Zenbook and Cura 2.x is only slightly slower on it than 15.x
The slicing is much better and the screen updates and menu load up just as fast. STL files load in just as fast and the screen refreshes are only slightly slower (even in 'Layers' mode) than 15.x.
As as result, I use Cura 2.x almost exclusively now. So, no, I don't find it to be completely unusable at all. I think its very responsive, powerful and easy to use.
I'm afraid I don't know much about Macs, but I would suggest looking at your video drivers to ensure that are up-to-date.
Is there a memory issue? Do you have multiple apps running? Can you free up more RAM?
I wish I could help more.
I guess for the most your right... its the layer view that's incredibly slow... and that's a crucial part imho...
The layer view is just a bit slower over all, but doesn't show data while it's doing it.
That being said; We already made major improvements to the speed for next release. We were focusing on getting the stability right, so we had to cut corners somewhere. We didn't like it either, but that's the reality of software development.
For me its the whole program as I said. Navigating around the 3d view. the load file menu takes an absolute age to populate with files. its very odd and frustrating. Ive tried restarting my computer and its still the same. The slicing view doesn't work at all....
The 3D rendering & navigation should actually be faster than the old Cura. We make much better use of shaders & buffered rendering.
So I guess its just some strange anomaly between the software and my computer...
Any suggestions or am I stuck with the old build?
Aside from the default "Check if your video drivers are up to date", there is not much I can help you with, sorry :(
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ultiarjan 1,223
Unfortunately it's the same on a windows machine....
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