I had the same problem with printing a cube. Are your layers coming out solid or are the layers inconsistent? The reason for my crooked prints was that the filament was slipping as it went through the extruder. Check and make sure that the bolt tensioner is tight enough.
They're solid (as you can see in the picture above), but only not straight. I'll try Illuminarti's suggestion and see what I can do.
- 1 month later...
I can't see your picture. If they are tilted in the x-axis only, it is almost surely the black plastic x-motor mounts are too short and the x-motor belt is rubbing slightly against the wood back board. I had a tilting problem and it was fixed when I added 4 washers under the 4 mounts. Took 8 hours of head scratching to figure out the problem and only 3 minutes to fix the problem.
Just to add, pay particular attention to the ones on the end of the motor shafts. They are difficult to access
(hence why they get neglected) and since this one pulley, drives two...it has twice the torque acting on it
as the pulleys on the long shafts...
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illuminarti 18
It looks like your head position is slipping - depending on the orientation of how you printed that, probably in the Y direction. Check that the pulleys for that axis are all secured tightly, including the one on the motor shaft.
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