We semi-recently changed some stuff on our build system. I think this is one of those things that broke because of it. Sorry about that!
OK So... Nallath, is this something that is being fixed and I should wait for the patch? or do I need to do what DaHai8 suggests and look online for some sort of fix myself?
I did do a short search before I initially posted to here initially and found some "solutions" but all of them seemed to have people who say "don't do this" for this reason or that and so I'm unsure how to approach this.
If it's up to me, I'll probably wait till the next release, just because I'm sure if I try and do anything with my system myself I'll crash it and lose important things.
This answer seems to be the right (and safe) thing to do to fix it on your end:
A future release will likely fix it by including pretty much the same thing (visual c++ redistributables), but you would have to wait for that and I don't know how long you would be waiting.
OK thanks. I will give it a look see.
Ooooh...... Looks like they want me to install all the Windows updates. Yea, that's not happening.
Guess I'll wait till the next version of Cura. :(
The next version of Cura is going to need the same windows update. Any reason in particular not to keep your Windows version up to date?
You are going to need those re-distributables as ahoeben already said. They used to be packed with the installer, but we broke it
Shame on us!
The thing may be that Cura now needs a newer version of these redistributables, which may not install successfully on systems that don't have this particular windows update:
At least, that's how I read it.
Windows updates have been known to produce bad results in good working systems. At least that's my experience with Windows. (and many others if you read online) So much so, that I made sure to turn my automatic updates off once I have a good stable system going.
If I have to update it, so be it, but right now my current Cura does what I need it to do successfully. I can't do much with my printer since support structures leave such a bad finish anyway. So it's just kind of become an expensive "toy" for me. So it's not worth taking the chance of upsetting my computer and workflow for the rest of my business.
Thanks all for the information.
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DaHai8 74
That .dll is part of "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" and was not installed as part of that update (I Googled it).
Just do a search on the interwebs for that dll and you'll find instructions on how to fix it.
Apparently Cura is not the only app that uses it, can't find it, and fails.
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