When you have a print sliced with fine details, the host need to send a lot of GCode to the pinter. If your USB connection sucks (for whatever reason) and the host can't send GCode fast enough then the print quality will suffer as the printer will have to wait for the next GCode (you won't really see the printer stopping but the quality will be bad).
So if your Windows is too busy doing other things, or if the driver is cursed, you will get bad prints.
I had that in the past with Octoprint running on a Raspberry Pi Model B (first generation). It worked fine for most prints, but the hardware could not keep up with the load for detailed prints.
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gr5 2,269
The OS should make no difference. I've done a thousand prints with Cura and never tried a mac but the quality is excellent. I think it's a coincidence so far. Please provide some photos. Cura 15.X remembers settings from previous prints so you could take the gcode file from a mac, and (if it's cura 15.x) do "file" "load profile from gcode..." to get the exact same settings copied into the pc.
A photo of your print and settings might help us diagnose the issue also.
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