What is your print speed? I've seen this before but not this bad - I certainly don't have this problem at 70mm/sec.
What is your print speed? I've seen this before but not this bad - I certainly don't have this problem at 70mm/sec.
EDIT: Also, I'm thinking about adding a disclaimer, "Every time someone suggests the infill not touching the walls problem is caused by software I will kill a puppy." Because if you print with normal PLA (flex is different) and your machine doesn't have backlash, then the walls will touch the infill fine. Increasing the infill-overlap is NOT the correct way to counter this. It's a mechanical problem with a mechanical fix.
I feel some form of bias here: aren't you a cat owner, and therefore much more inclined to kill a puppy, than a kitten? (not suggesting that you do actually harm any animals, but it falls squarely into my most favorite info graphic: http://markandrewgoetz.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/tufte-wallpaper.png )
Hi again,
Daid was completely right the XY straps were far too loose, also the XY-axis were misalinged.
After fixing this prints are now completely smooth and i'm even more impressed with printing quality. (Fig. 1)
I wasn't aware of the fact that mechanical vibrations and dampening are this crucial. Well, i just should have asked earlier on this forum instead of spending tons of time tinkering with the superb Cura.
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Daid 306
Usually this is a backlash problem caused by slack in the short belts. Which can be solved by unscrewing the X/Y motors a bit, pushing them down, and screwing them down tightly.
EDIT: Also, I'm thinking about adding a disclaimer, "Every time someone suggests the infill not touching the walls problem is caused by software I will kill a puppy." Because if you print with normal PLA (flex is different) and your machine doesn't have backlash, then the walls will touch the infill fine. Increasing the infill-overlap is NOT the correct way to counter this. It's a mechanical problem with a mechanical fix.
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