Hello C.
Thank you for your response! I did not expect that fast and such in-depth feedback.
Yes, there were some warping on this model. I will try to print a single vertical tube and see what happens. If there are no errors then the warping can be the cause of this problem.
All best,
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snowygrouch 1
Looking at your print, my best guess is that the print is warping upwards (this is always worse when you have
large angled beams like your model has).
This has happened to me several times, what occurs is that the print warps - the printhead nozzle then hits
the upturned edge on one of its moves with such force that a motor skips steps.
Im not saying a slicing error is impossible, but I have not heard of any such problems with
13.03 (and have used it myself recently). Which leads me to suspect that its very unlikely to be the problem.
Solving it is not easy, but you can try the following things.
1) rotate the STL model so that the parts where it warps UPWARDS are at a 45 degree angle to the
YX axis. This just slightly softens the blow when it does hit (because the force is then distributed
between both motors). However this only really works when printing roughly rectangular geometries.
2) Try printing the part in a different orintation, or separating then bonding together after printing.
3) Search out threads here on lowering warping and follow tips in there.
4) I dont know if the latest CURA has the feature, because I only just started using it a few days ago,
but the latest Beta version of Kisslicer has a "hop" feature. This lifts the printhead during moves so that
the nozzle does not hit the print. I have no tried this feature so cannot say if its implimented correctly.
5) Increase your layer height. This will give more clearance for moves during printing. I would suggest 0.3 to
be max sensible height.
6) Decrease the distance between support and model, such that the support "ties down" the angled beams from
moving upwards. Makes removal harder of course.
7) Edit the STL to have perhaps a small diameter post as part of the model that achieves the same things as #6
I mainly use Kisslicer, so perhaps one of the CURA experts can come in with more specific suggestions tha will be helpful to you.
Couple of extra thougts.
8) Although fan cooling as a whole, does make the part "warp" more - LOCALLY
more cooling will lower the warping of thin edges of the kind you have on those
leading edges of the 3 angled beams. So perhaps try to increase cooling there.
9) Increasing infill % might give the beams more stiffness and be less liable to
warp. However how it will behave thermally is highly "form dependant" so
its not a rule that will automatically be guaranteed to make the leading edge of the 3
round beams stay flatter.
10) I dont know if CURA has it (I think it does), but you might want to increase the "minimum layer time". This gives things like thin edges a bit more of a chance to cool...
probably its set to 5 seconds or something right now. Try increasing that a bit...
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