Does it at least give you the menu system on the front panel? Or does it not even boot? If you have the menu system - put it into developer mode and then connect it to wired (I hate wireless in general) ethernet. The screen will tell you the printer's IP address within a few seconds after you connect the cable.
However it sounds like maybe during the firmware upgrade it didn't do a full upgrade and now it's "bricked"? The only fix from that state (if that is the current state) is to take the bottom cover off and insert an SD card that already has the correct operating system software installed. then you turn on power and that will load in a new operating system. It can take 5 to 20 minutes depending on how fast the SD card is.
Anyway you should contact your reseller as no one on the forum has posted a link to the iso file that needs to go onto the SD card. I have a proprietary one but you definitely don't want that version of the firmware.
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Dim3nsioneer 558
Doesn't sound like normal behavior at all. Please contact your reseller.
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