We kinda designed it to work with PVA. That way you can print a single mold, cast something in it and then disolve the mold. That way, it doesn't matter if the mold can be split (some molds might even need more than 2 splits, so that makes the splitting a bit complicated!)
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ultiarjan 1,223
Hi Susanne, welcome to the forum.
Did you try to play with it a bit, just take a simple shape an play with the settings, while looking at layer view after you change something, this should make clear whats the function of the settings. Also read the screentips per setting...
Basically the "angle" setting determines the outside shape of the mold, the width determines how "thick" the mold will get.
What is missing imho at the moment to make it really useful is an option to split the mold into 2 parts (at least I have not seen this...) so currently the sort of shapes you can use are limited.
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