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GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...


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Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

Hello everyone, it's great to be among you here. I am a beginner in this 3d printing world and I have notion of the road that I will have to walk in order to learn how to print things with high quality.

My first question is precisely in the printer settings in Cure 2.7.

I know Ultimaker 2 extended + comes from the factory with gcode flavor UltiGCode and I updated the firmware. Everything is fine.

I've been following the forum so I can learn how to print.

On most topics, users comment to get a quality impression, need access to and control advanced settings such as nozzle temperature, retraction options, and other settings that are not available in the gcode flavor UltiGCode.

I'd like to learn and test with these advanced settings that are not available in UltiGCode:

Please, you who have experience in the subject, could you help me to:

1) Choose which gcode flavor I have to choose from: marlin, marlin (volumetric), RepRap, Griffin, etc ...? Remember that the printer is Ultimaker 2 Extended +.

2) Since I updated the firmware using UltiGCode, choosing another type of GCode Flavor that you indicate to me, can a firmware conflict occur if I update the firmware using the new GCode that you indicated to me?

3) With the new GCode indicated by you, would I have to change or add some code in the dialog boxes: Start Gcode and End GCode? If so, could you please help me and pass the appropriate codes in the Start and End GCode? Since I do not understand anything of the subject, I am afraid to do something wrong and end up damaging something in the printer.

4) Is there any other information I need to know in this part of Machine Settings in Healing 2.7?

Thank you very much

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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    Change the ultigcode to reprap on the machine settings and then you can change anything directly on cura. As soon you change it you will see start/end gcode and by default it’s just like the one the machine does, but also you can edit it to prime more/less or retract more/less at the end of the print.

    Griffin flavor is the one um3 uses btw. You need reprap flavor to edit retraction etc from cura.

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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    Hello Neotko,

    Thank you so much for answering me.

    I ask you a little patience with me, because I'm completely new to ultimaker 2 extended +.

    Please, let's go step by step ...

    1- I have to change in the settings of Cura2.7 the gcode flavor to Regrap.

    2- Changed to Regrap, what exactly do I have to do? I am confused...

    Where do I have to edit? In Start GCode or End Gcode or both?

    3- In the case of ultimaker 2 extended +, which of the two would be better to edit (prime more / less or retract more / less)? I just found the retract in End GCode and the prime I did not find! For what value do you advise me to edit?

    4- Do I have to add or edit more things in Start GCode and End Gcode than what you told me?

    5- After you instruct me in the previous steps, do I have to update the Firmware? Because I had updated this week the firmware with GCode Flavor set to Ultimaker2.

    Or am I saying something completely wrong and this firmware business is completely independent of the GCode you choose?

    6- What will happen to the Material settings in Cura2.7? Can I still use it normally or from now using the Regrap do I have to define by the advanced settings that will appear?

    Sorry about so many questions but...

    Thank you very much for your patience and attention.


    Change the ultigcode to reprap on the machine settings and then you can change anything directly on cura. As soon you change it you will see start/end gcode and by default it’s just like the one the machine does, but also you can edit it to prime more/less or retract more/less at the end of the print.

    Griffin flavor is the one um3 uses btw. You need reprap flavor to edit retraction etc from cura.


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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    @neotko sorry, but i disagree with the "Reprap" choice... (somehow)

    I'm not sure, if the Curaengine differentiates between the three "RepRap" styles, but the right choice in Cura 2.7 would be "Marlin" (the first one from the list). That's the same that the UMO uses.


    {"RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)": "Marlin","RepRap (Volumetric)": "Marlin (Volumetric)","RepRap (RepRap)": "RepRap","UltiGCode": "Ultimaker 2","Griffin": "Griffin","Makerbot": "Makerbot","BFB": "Bits from Bytes","MACH3": "Mach3","Repetier": "Repetier"}



    Or am I saying something completely wrong and this firmware business is completely independent of the GCode you choose?

    Exactly... :) There are no separate firmware versions for UltiGCode and Marlin/Sprinter. No need to update it again.

    And AFAIK there's also no need to change the default Start-/End scripts. You can fine-tune it later, once you're more familiar with gcode. The RepRap-Wiki may be helpful.

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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    Hello @Tinkergnome,

    Now, I'm completely confused. I do not know nothing more. I was hoping and waiting that neotko would answer the 6 answers related to my above written doubts so I could make the changes.

    Now, I realize that you have a different view of him.

    Please @tinkergnome and @neotko, could you put me in the right direction in relation to my 6 questions (step by step) above?

    Remember that it is the Ultimaker 2 Extended + and the Cura2.7 program.

    Thank you very much


    @neotko sorry, but i disagree with the "Reprap" choice... (somehow)

    I'm not sure, if the Curaengine differentiates between the three "RepRap" styles, but the right choice in Cura 2.7 would be "Marlin" (the first one from the list). That's the same that the UMO uses.


    {"RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)": "Marlin","RepRap (Volumetric)": "Marlin (Volumetric)","RepRap (RepRap)": "RepRap","UltiGCode": "Ultimaker 2","Griffin": "Griffin","Makerbot": "Makerbot","BFB": "Bits from Bytes","MACH3": "Mach3","Repetier": "Repetier"}



    Or am I saying something completely wrong and this firmware business is completely independent of the GCode you choose?

    Exactly... :)There are no separate firmware versions for UltiGCode and Marlin/Sprinter. No need to update it again.

    And AFAIK there's also no need to change the default Start-/End scripts. You can fine-tune it later, once you're more familiar with gcode. The RepRap-Wiki may be helpful.


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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    @neotko sorry, but i disagree with the "Reprap" choice... (somehow)

    I'm not sure, if the Curaengine differentiates between the three "RepRap" styles, but the right choice in Cura 2.7 would be "Marlin" (the first one from the list). That's the same that the UMO uses.


    Man it's been so long since I open cura that I didn't knew that, I though it had just 'reprap/ultigcode'. So nice they keep volumetric for open start/end, very nice!

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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    Guys, I know it sounds annoying, but have patience with me because I do not know anything about GCode or settings in Ultimaker! Completely beginner. I'm trying to learn and I'm counting on the help of all of this incredible community. :)

    Now, I feel really confused, I do not know which is the Gcode flavor I define in Cura2.7 for Ultimaker 2 Extended +: whether it's Marlin or Marlin (volumetric) or RepRap?

    Please could anyone put me in the right direction regarding GCode Flavor and from the correct indication of the GCode Flavor guide me a step by step to add or change the codes needed in the Start Gcode and End Gcode?

    If you help me, after I have changed Gcode Flavor and the necessary settings, what would happen to the material settings in Cura2.7. Would I normally use the configurations of the material or would I have to manually configure the advanced settings that will appear in the Material session next to the screen?

    Thank you very much

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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    Well, my suggestion is simple: open the machine settings of your Ultimaker 2 Extended+ and change the GCode flavor to "Marlin". Don't change any other machine settings for now.

    Once you have done that, it should be possible to enable the additional material settings that were formerly hidden because of UltiGCode. The user interface of Cura in general does not change, you can configure the settings as usual. (tbh: i don't know what exactly you mean with "Material session next to the screen")?

    Anyway - now you can start with this step:


    I'd like to learn and test with these advanced settings that are not available in UltiGCode

    Reading this, i assume that you already have an idea what you want to change or achieve:


    On most topics, users comment to get a quality impression, need access to and control advanced settings such as nozzle temperature, retraction options, and other settings that are not available in the gcode flavor UltiGCode.

    Start to experiment, and don't change too many things at once. Easy enough, isn't it?

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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    Hello @tinkergnome! I'll do as you suggested, change Gcode Flavor to Marlin, and I will not mess with any other settings.

    I'm sorry, let me explain better. I wanted to say that on the right side of Cura2.7, under the Print Setup: has the sessions Quality, Shell, Infill, Material, Speed, Travel, Cooling, Support, Build Plate Adhesion, Mesh Fixes, Special Modes and Experimental. So, by choosing Gcode Marlin, several new settings appeared that were hidden in the Material session when using Gcode Flavor Ultimaker2, so I wanted to know how the Manage Materials (Menu / Settings / Material / Manage Materials) relationship will be with the session Material (on the right side under the Print Setup).

    Because from now on, in both places you can configure.

    In Manage Materials, you can create a filament profile by configuring: Default Printing Temp, Build Plate Temp, Retraction Distance, Retraction Speed, STandby Temp, and Fan Speed.

    In the Material session (under Print Setup) you can also set these options and more.

    Having said all that, will the Manage Materials menu settings be overridden by the Material Session settings (under Print Setup)?

    How will the Cura2.7 program behave if I want to create a new filament profile in the Manage Materials menu? Can I still define a filament profile in Manage Materials?

    Over time I believe things will become easier my friend!

    Thank you for showing me the way!


    Well, my suggestion is simple: open the machine settings of your Ultimaker 2 Extended+ and change the GCode flavor to "Marlin". Don't change any other machine settings for now.

    Once you have done that, it should be possible to enable the additional material settings that were formerly hidden because of UltiGCode. The user interface of Cura in general does not change, you can configure the settings as usual. (tbh: i don't know what exactly you mean with "Material session next to the screen")?

    Anyway - now you can start with this step:


    I'd like to learn and test with these advanced settings that are not available in UltiGCode

    Reading this, i assume that you already have an idea what you want to change or achieve:


    On most topics, users comment to get a quality impression, need access to and control advanced settings such as nozzle temperature, retraction options, and other settings that are not available in the gcode flavor UltiGCode.

    Start to experiment, and don't change too many things at once. Easy enough, isn't it?


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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    What you set in the sidebar overrides anything you set in the Materials pane of preferences

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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    @ahoeben. Glad to know that! I will be able to do the profiles normally and if I want to make fine adjustments I will use the sidebar. Thank you very much for your information!


    What you set in the sidebar overrides anything you set in the Materials pane of preferences


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    Posted · GCode Flavor UltiGCode To another type of Gocde Flavor...

    Please could anyone help me in the code related to End GCode?

    The problem is that when it is in the last second of 3d printing, the print head does not finish printing, still releasing filament in the air while it goes diagonally towards the home (G28 X0 Y0;). As soon as the print head reaches the "home", in the display of the Ultimaker shows an error message something like "printing error in the air", I forgot the error phrase because I was nervous and pressed the button to return to the menu as soon as possible. Sorry about that...

    The code I am using is the one that is already automatically configured from marlin:

    End GCode:

    M104 S0; extruder heater off

    M140 S0; heated bed heater off (if you have it)

    G91; relative positioning

    G1 E-1 F300; retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure

    G1 Z + 0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000; move Z up a bit and retract filament even more

    G28 X0 Y0; move X / Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way

    M84; steppers off


    So searching, I proceeded to use the following code in End GCode:

    G28 X0 Y0; move X / Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way

    M104 S0; extruder heater off

    M140 S0; heated bed heater off (if you have it)

    M84; steppers off

    The error that was happening in the first End Gcode (generated by Marlin) did not happen anymore. The printer finishes printing and does not release more filament in the air.

    However, when the printer head goes toward the Home, it goes at a high speed, knocking at the corner of the printer, making a loud noise. I think this is not normal, because that had never happened.

    Could someone provide me the correct End Gcode for me? Remember that I'm using Cura2.7 on Ultimaker 2 Extended +.

    Thank you

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