I used the original parts to do the upgrade with great results, but my old head did have the Olsson upgrade fitted and IRobertl feeder.
I also replaced the heater and sensor to newer versions later on, but it all worked fine - just had to change esteps for extruder which was easy using Tinker firmware (This also would have allowed me to change extruder direction easily instead of hard wiring!!).
Link to my post: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/48788-ultimaker-mark2-the-smart-dual-extrusion-upgrade?page=7&sort=#reply-180700
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conny_g 251
I recently bought a 2nd UM2 and upgraded it to UM2+ as well.
Was thinking about the same thing, if I wanted to try the Mark 2 mod with the UM2 head.
As feeders I am using Bondtechs, but the head might do.
I have experience with Mark 2, converted my 1st printer, and off the top of my head I would not know a reason why it should not work.
The heaters of the 2 heads have less power, but I think that doesn’t matter a lot, it will just take longer to head the 2nd head.
In terms of quality I can’t tell if there is a difference, I don’t think so. But I would change the UM2 head to Olsson block to be able to change nozzles.
All in all, the head should be fine, but change the feeder into UM2+ or Bontech.
I think the feeders should be the same to have the same settings on boths heads. Makes thinks more complicated if one feeder has other capabilities than the other.
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