Hey thanks for the reply,
i just checked out that extra skin wall count and that is exactly what i was talking about haha. Although it isn't perfect as it looks like it basically gives the entire part an extra wall (which could be bad if you only want 1 wall on your part) rather than only specifically giving an extra wall anywhere skin expand is used. also if the skin expand doesnt produce a straight line (like using it on a circle for example) then that extra wall is basically completely unsupported while being printed, which wont help the expanded skins much.
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burtoogle 516
Hi, as the creator of the skin expand feature I am interested to read your comments. Personally, I have never suffered the problem you describe but that doesn't mean to say that I don't believe that it occurs. Perhaps I don't see it because I only use thick layers (200um or greater).
Anyway, as to your suggestion I don't think it is very easy to determine where the infill lines are located so that you can stop the skin immediately above the infill line below. I'm not saying it's impossible to do but it's not trivial to implement.
As to having a wall to butt the skin into, I thought that Cura had recently introduced exactly that. There's a setting called "extra skin wall count". If you set that to 1 does it do what you desire?
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