9 minutes ago, SandervG said:Hi, it would help if you could share the log file with us. You can send it to me directly via a direct message and attach it to your message.
You can subtract it via: Cura setting: regular fan speed at height.
Was there also an error message on your screen?
Thank you!
I'm not sure I follow you. How does the "regular fan speed at height" give me the information on bed levelling? The default is set at 0.57mm for "Regular Fan Speed at Height".
In terms of error message, I only get an error on the printer, stating that the difference between head height is too large when I do automatic levelling. As far as I am aware, this is on the printer itself, and not in Cura (therefore I have no log to send over).
I've manually adjusted the bed today, so that the three screws are tighter, and the bed sits much lower. Automatic levelling ran, and uses the "correct" head for reference. However, once auto levelling had completed, when printing on the bed the head collided with the bed, and failed to print anything at the front or rear of the model, with only the left 1/3 and right 1/3 of the first layer being printed. I thought that this was just an issue with the first layer, but having left it for a while it was clear that it had not referenced the level of the bed correctly.
I have manually levelled the bed again, and have started a large job, which unfortunately is going to take 4 days to run...
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Oj00 5
This is a similar issue I've experienced before. The heads don't have separate sensors. The way the leveling works is that the capacitive sensor is used to detect the glass bed, however the software only detects when the capacative reading stops changing. (i.e when the bed contacts the nozzles the sensor reading stops changing and it knows it is in contact)
How ever if the bed screws are wound right out the bed is very high off of the aluminium plate then the nozzles will contact the glass before the system starts to look at the measurements and it continues to push into the glass.
The simple solution, wind the bed down a few turns on all of the bed leveling screws and try again. The nozzles should not be touching the glass when the bed has rapid-ed up, and before the bed is moved slowly up to touch the nozzles.
If the issue continues you may have a defective sensor, which I have heard of before. Also check there is no debris on your nozzles or glass bed.
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SandervG 1,522
Hi, it would help if you could share the log file with us. You can send it to me directly via a direct message and attach it to your message.
- wrong info -
Was there also an error message on your screen?
Thank you!
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