I'm not sure if this would affect what I saw but the rods that the bed y axis ride on were not square to the frame. About a 16th out. I squared the bed to the frame but have not yet verified. I also thought maybe I had gotten the scaling wrong but had run the print again after double checking with the same results.
The objects were placed parallel to the x axis gantry so I'm wondering if the bed not moving in a true line would cause this.
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gr5 2,267
Sometimes the two rods through the print head are not perpendicular but if the parts were printed parallel that shouldn't affect your part length. Whenever I slice I *always* also save the whole project. If you did that you can reload it into cura and double check the scaling of the 2 parts. I'm thinking one was maybe 62.3% and the other 63.2%?
It's possible that your pulleys are not round. It would have to be pretty severe fo you to notice 2mm difference in length though! That's just - severe. Maybe a photo would help us understand. Showing where they were placed and how you measured.
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