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Dual Extruder Z-axis problems w/ Cura

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Posted (edited) · Dual Extruder Z-axis problems w/ Cura

Hello all and thank you for welcoming me into the fold. Brand new member here with vexing problem.


I have a newly installed kraken hotend (4 extruders, but currently running only 2) sliced in Cura. When I try to print a dual extruded print, the machine prints fine for extruder No. 1. When it comes time for extruder No. 2, the bed drops about 20-25mm and extruder No. 2 prints in mid-air. When I start with extruder No. 2, it prints fine and when it comes time to switch to nozzel No. 1, the bed tries to lift 20-25mm, crashing the nozzles into the bed. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Any ideas what's causing this? I don't see any machine settings in cura to compensate for z-axis on dual extruders.


Thanks in advance for your help and especially for welcoming me to your forum!



Edited by Tonydacrow
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    Posted · Dual Extruder Z-axis problems w/ Cura

    Just solved my own problem. (What a goof!) For some reason I modified the G-code in the system file for my machine and had the 2nd extruder starting with a -20mm, Z-height. 


    Hope my mistake is a lesson to someone, and thanks again for welcoming me in to this forum!




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    • 3 months later...
    Posted · Dual Extruder Z-axis problems w/ Cura

    Mhhhh ok consider the fact that I'm no too confidential with modifying g-code...

    Saying that, I have an Ultimaker Original with Its original board (Just few modification like heated bed etc.).

    A Marlin firmware runs the machine.

    I really wonder to know how to manage the g-codes.

    Thank you for your super fast reply!

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    Posted · Dual Extruder Z-axis problems w/ Cura

    My goal is to make a big modification so I have a "second pop-up nozzle" like the ultimaker 3. Thats why I need this setting.

    Also moving the print head in a specific position before change the nozzle to trig the mechanism and make the second nozzle to pop-up out. (I hope is clear what I mean)

    thks again

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    Posted · Dual Extruder Z-axis problems w/ Cura

    OK, I'm not too familiar with the software on that machine, but go to where your firmware is stored and look for your config file. If all of this sounds unfamiliar to you, you probably need to do a little reading before you proceed. There are a lot of on line tutorials that can help. If you know what I'm talking about, open the file and post it here. I'll look at it and see how I can help. 

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    Posted · Dual Extruder Z-axis problems w/ Cura

    I'm not at home now and probably I will be not untill the end of the year. So I can't touch my printer until that moment.

    No... is really not familiar to me lol! XD I just remember tha I run an customized firmware built on a specific platform (I made this ages ago).

    After Make all the modification needed I downloaded the file, i should have a copy and it migh be that one:

    (I don't know if is what u are talking about)








    //=============================Thermal Settings  ============================

      #define BED_HYSTERESIS 2 //only disable heating if T>target+BED_HYSTERESIS and enable heating if T>target-BED_HYSTERESIS
    #define BED_CHECK_INTERVAL 5000 //ms between checks in bang-bang control

    //// Heating sanity check:
    // This waits for the watchperiod in milliseconds whenever an M104 or M109 increases the target temperature
    // If the temperature has not increased at the end of that period, the target temperature is set to zero.
    // It can be reset with another M104/M109. This check is also only triggered if the target temperature and the current temperature
    //  differ by at least 2x WATCH_TEMP_INCREASE
    //#define WATCH_TEMP_PERIOD 40000 //40 seconds
    //#define WATCH_TEMP_INCREASE 10  //Heat up at least 10 degree in 20 seconds

    #ifdef PIDTEMP
      // this adds an experimental additional term to the heatingpower, proportional to the extrusion speed.
      // if Kc is choosen well, the additional required power due to increased melting should be compensated.
      #define PID_ADD_EXTRUSION_RATE  
        #define  DEFAULT_Kc (1) //heatingpower=Kc*(e_speed)

    //automatic temperature: The hot end target temperature is calculated by all the buffered lines of gcode.
    //The maximum buffered steps/sec of the extruder motor are called "se".
    //You enter the autotemp mode by a M109 S<mintemp> T<maxtemp> F<factor>
    // the target temperature is set to mintemp+factor*se[steps/sec] and limited by mintemp and maxtemp
    // you exit the value by any M109 without F*
    // Also, if the temperature is set to a value <mintemp, it is not changed by autotemp.
    // on an ultimaker, some initial testing worked with M109 S215 B260 F1 in the start.gcode
    #define AUTOTEMP
    #ifdef AUTOTEMP
      #define AUTOTEMP_OLDWEIGHT 0.98

    //Show Temperature ADC value
    //The M105 command return, besides traditional information, the ADC value read from temperature sensors.
    //#define SHOW_TEMP_ADC_VALUES

    //  extruder run-out prevention.
    //if the machine is idle, and the temperature over MINTEMP, every couple of SECONDS some filament is extruded
    #define EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_ESTEPS 14. //mm filament
    #define EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_SPEED 1500.  //extrusion speed

    //These defines help to calibrate the AD595 sensor in case you get wrong temperature measurements.
    //The measured temperature is defined as "actualTemp = (measuredTemp * TEMP_SENSOR_AD595_GAIN) + TEMP_SENSOR_AD595_OFFSET"
    #define TEMP_SENSOR_AD595_OFFSET 0.0
    #define TEMP_SENSOR_AD595_GAIN   1.0

    //This is for controlling a fan to cool down the stepper drivers
    //it will turn on when any driver is enabled
    //and turn off after the set amount of seconds from last driver being disabled again
    #define CONTROLLERFAN_PIN -1 //Pin used for the fan to cool controller (-1 to disable)
    #define CONTROLLERFAN_SECS 60 //How many seconds, after all motors were disabled, the fan should run
    #define CONTROLLERFAN_SPEED 255  // == full speed

    // When first starting the main fan, run it at full speed for the
    // given number of milliseconds.  This gets the fan spinning reliably
    // before setting a PWM value. (Does not work with software PWM for fan on Sanguinololu)
    //#define FAN_KICKSTART_TIME 100

    // Extruder cooling fans
    // Configure fan pin outputs to automatically turn on/off when the associated
    // extruder temperature is above/below EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_TEMPERATURE.
    // Multiple extruders can be assigned to the same pin in which case
    // the fan will turn on when any selected extruder is above the threshold.
    #define EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN   -1
    #define EXTRUDER_1_AUTO_FAN_PIN   -1
    #define EXTRUDER_2_AUTO_FAN_PIN   -1
    #define EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_SPEED   255  // == full speed

    //=============================Mechanical Settings===========================

    #define ENDSTOPS_ONLY_FOR_HOMING // If defined the endstops will only be used for homing

    //// Added by ZetaPhoenix 09-15-2012
    #ifdef MANUAL_HOME_POSITIONS  // Use manual limit switch locations
    #else //Set min/max homing switch positions based upon homing direction and min/max travel limits
      //X axis
      #if X_HOME_DIR == -1
        #ifdef BED_CENTER_AT_0_0
          #define X_HOME_POS X_MAX_LENGTH * -0.5
          #define X_HOME_POS X_MIN_POS
        #endif //BED_CENTER_AT_0_0
        #ifdef BED_CENTER_AT_0_0
          #define X_HOME_POS X_MAX_LENGTH * 0.5
          #define X_HOME_POS X_MAX_POS
        #endif //BED_CENTER_AT_0_0
      #endif //X_HOME_DIR == -1
      //Y axis
      #if Y_HOME_DIR == -1
        #ifdef BED_CENTER_AT_0_0
          #define Y_HOME_POS Y_MAX_LENGTH * -0.5
          #define Y_HOME_POS Y_MIN_POS
        #endif //BED_CENTER_AT_0_0
        #ifdef BED_CENTER_AT_0_0
          #define Y_HOME_POS Y_MAX_LENGTH * 0.5
          #define Y_HOME_POS Y_MAX_POS
        #endif //BED_CENTER_AT_0_0
      #endif //Y_HOME_DIR == -1
      // Z axis
      #if Z_HOME_DIR == -1 //BED_CENTER_AT_0_0 not used
        #define Z_HOME_POS Z_MIN_POS
        #define Z_HOME_POS Z_MAX_POS
      #endif //Z_HOME_DIR == -1
    #endif //End auto min/max positions

    //#define Z_LATE_ENABLE // Enable Z the last moment. Needed if your Z driver overheats.

    // A single Z stepper driver is usually used to drive 2 stepper motors.
    // Uncomment this define to utilize a separate stepper driver for each Z axis motor.
    // Only a few motherboards support this, like RAMPS, which have dual extruder support (the 2nd, often unused, extruder driver is used
    // to control the 2nd Z axis stepper motor). The pins are currently only defined for a RAMPS motherboards.
    // On a RAMPS (or other 5 driver) motherboard, using this feature will limit you to using 1 extruder.

      #undef EXTRUDERS
      #define EXTRUDERS 1

    // Same again but for Y Axis.

    // Define if the two Y drives need to rotate in opposite directions
    #define INVERT_Y2_VS_Y_DIR true

      #undef EXTRUDERS
      #define EXTRUDERS 1

    #if defined (Z_DUAL_STEPPER_DRIVERS) && defined (Y_DUAL_STEPPER_DRIVERS)
      #error "You cannot have dual drivers for both Y and Z"

    // Enable this for dual x-carriage printers.
    // A dual x-carriage design has the advantage that the inactive extruder can be parked which
    // prevents hot-end ooze contaminating the print. It also reduces the weight of each x-carriage
    // allowing faster printing speeds.
    //#define DUAL_X_CARRIAGE
    #ifdef DUAL_X_CARRIAGE
    // Configuration for second X-carriage
    // Note: the first x-carriage is defined as the x-carriage which homes to the minimum endstop;
    // the second x-carriage always homes to the maximum endstop.
    #define X2_MIN_POS 80     // set minimum to ensure second x-carriage doesn't hit the parked first X-carriage
    #define X2_MAX_POS 353    // set maximum to the distance between toolheads when both heads are homed
    #define X2_HOME_DIR 1     // the second X-carriage always homes to the maximum endstop position
    #define X2_HOME_POS X2_MAX_POS // default home position is the maximum carriage position
        // However: In this mode the EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X value for the second extruder provides a software
        // override for X2_HOME_POS. This also allow recalibration of the distance between the two endstops
        // without modifying the firmware (through the "M218 T1 X???" command).
        // Remember: you should set the second extruder x-offset to 0 in your slicer.

    // Pins for second x-carriage stepper driver (defined here to avoid further complicating pins.h)
    #define X2_ENABLE_PIN 29
    #define X2_STEP_PIN 25
    #define X2_DIR_PIN 23

    // There are a few selectable movement modes for dual x-carriages using M605 S<mode>
    //    Mode 0: Full control. The slicer has full control over both x-carriages and can achieve optimal travel results
    //                           as long as it supports dual x-carriages. (M605 S0)
    //    Mode 1: Auto-park mode. The firmware will automatically park and unpark the x-carriages on tool changes so
    //                           that additional slicer support is not required. (M605 S1)
    //    Mode 2: Duplication mode. The firmware will transparently make the second x-carriage and extruder copy all  
    //                           actions of the first x-carriage. This allows the printer to print 2 arbitrary items at
    //                           once. (2nd extruder x offset and temp offset are set using: M605 S2 [Xnnn] [Rmmm])

    // This is the default power-up mode which can be later using M605.

    // As the x-carriages are independent we can now account for any relative Z offset
    #define EXTRUDER1_Z_OFFSET 0.0           // z offset relative to extruder 0

    // Default settings in "Auto-park Mode"
    #define TOOLCHANGE_PARK_ZLIFT   0.2      // the distance to raise Z axis when parking an extruder
    #define TOOLCHANGE_UNPARK_ZLIFT 1        // the distance to raise Z axis when unparking an extruder

    // Default x offset in duplication mode (typically set to half print bed width)

    #endif //DUAL_X_CARRIAGE
    //homing hits the endstop, then retracts by this distance, before it tries to slowly bump again:
    #define X_HOME_RETRACT_MM 5
    #define Y_HOME_RETRACT_MM 5
    #define Z_HOME_RETRACT_MM 1
    //#define QUICK_HOME  //if this is defined, if both x and y are to be homed, a diagonal move will be performed initially.

    #define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}

    #define MAX_STEP_FREQUENCY 40000 // Max step frequency for Ultimaker (5000 pps / half step)

    //By default pololu step drivers require an active high signal. However, some high power drivers require an active low signal as step.
    #define INVERT_X_STEP_PIN false
    #define INVERT_Y_STEP_PIN false
    #define INVERT_Z_STEP_PIN false
    #define INVERT_E_STEP_PIN false

    //default stepper release if idle

    #define DEFAULT_MINIMUMFEEDRATE       0.0     // minimum feedrate

    // Feedrates for manual moves along X, Y, Z, E from panel
    #ifdef ULTIPANEL
    #define MANUAL_FEEDRATE {50*60, 50*60, 4*60, 60}  // set the speeds for manual moves (mm/min)

    // minimum time in microseconds that a movement needs to take if the buffer is emptied.
    #define DEFAULT_MINSEGMENTTIME        20000

    // If defined the movements slow down when the look ahead buffer is only half full
    #define SLOWDOWN

    // Frequency limit
    // See nophead's blog for more info
    // Not working O
    //#define XY_FREQUENCY_LIMIT  15

    // Minimum planner junction speed. Sets the default minimum speed the planner plans for at the end
    // of the buffer and all stops. This should not be much greater than zero and should only be changed
    // if unwanted behavior is observed on a user's machine when running at very slow speeds.
    #define MINIMUM_PLANNER_SPEED 0.05// (mm/sec)

    // MS1 MS2 Stepper Driver Microstepping mode table
    #define MICROSTEP1 LOW,LOW

    // Microstep setting (Only functional when stepper driver microstep pins are connected to MCU.
    #define MICROSTEP_MODES {16,16,16,16,16} // [1,2,4,8,16]

    // Motor Current setting (Only functional when motor driver current ref pins are connected to a digital trimpot on supported boards)
    #define DIGIPOT_MOTOR_CURRENT {135,135,135,135,135} // Values 0-255 (RAMBO 135 = ~0.75A, 185 = ~1A)

    //=============================Additional Features===========================

    #define SD_FINISHED_STEPPERRELEASE true  //if sd support and the file is finished: disable steppers?
    #define SD_FINISHED_RELEASECOMMAND "M84 X Y Z E" // You might want to keep the z enabled so your bed stays in place.

    #define SDCARD_RATHERRECENTFIRST  //reverse file order of sd card menu display. Its sorted practically after the filesystem block order.
    // if a file is deleted, it frees a block. hence, the order is not purely cronological. To still have auto0.g accessible, there is again the option to do that.
    // using:

    // The hardware watchdog should reset the Microcontroller disabling all outputs, in case the firmware gets stuck and doesn't do temperature regulation.
    //#define USE_WATCHDOG

    #ifdef USE_WATCHDOG
    // If you have a watchdog reboot in an ArduinoMega2560 then the device will hang forever, as a watchdog reset will leave the watchdog on.
    // The "WATCHDOG_RESET_MANUAL" goes around this by not using the hardware reset.
    //  However, THIS FEATURE IS UNSAFE!, as it will only work if interrupts are disabled. And the code could hang in an interrupt routine with interrupts disabled.

    // Enable the option to stop SD printing when hitting and endstops, needs to be enabled from the LCD menu when this option is enabled.

    // Babystepping enables the user to control the axis in tiny amounts, independently from the normal printing process
    // it can e.g. be used to change z-positions in the print startup phase in realtime
    // does not respect endstops!
    //#define BABYSTEPPING
      #define BABYSTEP_XY  //not only z, but also XY in the menu. more clutter, more functions
      #define BABYSTEP_INVERT_Z false  //true for inverse movements in Z
      #define BABYSTEP_Z_MULTIPLICATOR 2 //faster z movements
      #ifdef COREXY
        #error BABYSTEPPING not implemented for COREXY yet.

      #ifdef DELTA
        #ifdef BABYSTEP_XY
          #error BABYSTEPPING only implemented for Z axis on deltabots.

    // extruder advance constant (s2/mm3)
    // advance (steps) = STEPS_PER_CUBIC_MM_E * EXTUDER_ADVANCE_K * cubic mm per second ^ 2
    // hooke's law says:        force = k * distance
    // bernoulli's priniciple says:    v ^ 2 / 2 + g . h + pressure / density = constant
    // so: v ^ 2 is proportional to number of steps we advance the extruder
    //#define ADVANCE

    #ifdef ADVANCE
      #define EXTRUDER_ADVANCE_K .0

      #define D_FILAMENT 2.85
      #define STEPS_MM_E 836
      #define EXTRUTION_AREA (0.25 * D_FILAMENT * D_FILAMENT * 3.14159)
      #define STEPS_PER_CUBIC_MM_E (axis_steps_per_unit[E_AXIS]/ EXTRUTION_AREA)

    #endif // ADVANCE

    // Arc interpretation settings:
    #define MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT 1
    #define N_ARC_CORRECTION 25

    const unsigned int dropsegments=5; //everything with less than this number of steps will be ignored as move and joined with the next movement

    // If you are using a RAMPS board or cheap E-bay purchased boards that do not detect when an SD card is inserted
    // You can get round this by connecting a push button or single throw switch to the pin defined as SDCARDCARDDETECT
    // in the pins.h file.  When using a push button pulling the pin to ground this will need inverted.  This setting should
    // be commented out otherwise

    #ifdef ULTIPANEL

    // Power Signal Control Definitions
    // By default use ATX definition
    #ifndef POWER_SUPPLY
      #define POWER_SUPPLY 1
    // 1 = ATX
    #if (POWER_SUPPLY == 1)
      #define PS_ON_AWAKE  LOW
      #define PS_ON_ASLEEP HIGH
    // 2 = X-Box 360 203W
    #if (POWER_SUPPLY == 2)
      #define PS_ON_AWAKE  HIGH
      #define PS_ON_ASLEEP LOW

    // Control heater 0 and heater 1 in parallel.
    //#define HEATERS_PARALLEL

    //=============================Buffers           ============================

    // The number of linear motions that can be in the plan at any give time.  
    // THE BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE NEEDS TO BE A POWER OF 2, i.g. 8,16,32 because shifts and ors are used to do the ringbuffering.
    #if defined SDSUPPORT
      #define BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE 16   // SD,LCD,Buttons take more memory, block buffer needs to be smaller
      #define BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE 16 // maximize block buffer

    //The ASCII buffer for recieving from the serial:
    #define MAX_CMD_SIZE 96
    #define BUFSIZE 4

    // Firmware based and LCD controled retract
    // M207 and M208 can be used to define parameters for the retraction.
    // The retraction can be called by the slicer using G10 and G11
    // until then, intended retractions can be detected by moves that only extrude and the direction.
    // the moves are than replaced by the firmware controlled ones.

    #define MIN_RETRACT 0.1 //minimum extruded mm to accept a automatic gcode retraction attempt

    //adds support for experimental filament exchange support M600; requires display
    #ifdef ULTIPANEL
        #define FILAMENTCHANGE_XPOS 3
        #define FILAMENTCHANGE_YPOS 3
        #define FILAMENTCHANGE_ZADD 10

        #error EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_PREVENT currently incompatible with FILAMENTCHANGE
    //=============================  Define Defines  ============================
      #error "You cannot use TEMP_SENSOR_1_AS_REDUNDANT if EXTRUDERS > 1"

    #if EXTRUDERS > 1 && defined HEATERS_PARALLEL
      #error "You cannot use HEATERS_PARALLEL if EXTRUDERS > 1"

    #if TEMP_SENSOR_0 > 0
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_1 > 0
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_2 > 0
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_BED > 0
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_0 == -1
      #define HEATER_0_USES_AD595
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_1 == -1
      #define HEATER_1_USES_AD595
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_2 == -1
      #define HEATER_2_USES_AD595
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_BED == -1
      #define BED_USES_AD595
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_0 == -2
      #define HEATER_0_USES_MAX6675
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_0 == 0
      #undef HEATER_0_MINTEMP
      #undef HEATER_0_MAXTEMP
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_1 == 0
      #undef HEATER_1_MINTEMP
      #undef HEATER_1_MAXTEMP
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_2 == 0
      #undef HEATER_2_MINTEMP
      #undef HEATER_2_MAXTEMP
    #if TEMP_SENSOR_BED == 0
      #undef BED_MINTEMP
      #undef BED_MAXTEMP

    #endif //__CONFIGURATION_ADV_H

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