This definitely works. I've used the same technique to get a variety of materials to stick to the bed.
One reason I'm excited to get a dual extrusion kit from Ultimaker is to have PLA + another material in my machine, so that I can always print a few base layers of PLA and then print whatever else I want on top and not have to worry about bed adhesion.
Of course, like Joergen says, you still need to have your print settings tuned to the material you're going to be printing in, but for many objects and materials, the burden of getting it to stick to the bed is 80% of the problem, not getting it to print correctly once it is actually stuck.
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joergen 2
The heated bed for ABS is mostly to keep the ABS near the glass transition temperature, since it will shrink more when it cools down to room temp. printing PLA first doesn't change any of the shrinking/cooling related properties of ABS.
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