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Posted (edited) · emblem to 3D printable model

One solution which works for me is, to convert the image to a SVG file. This SVG file can be imported in Fusion360 and there you can make all needed extrusions you like. 

Edited by Smithy
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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    Smithy, I really don;t want to pay big$$for a program I will use once. To your knowledge, isn't there something "Free" that can do the job? I just started this hobby and I really don't know all the good places to get things and what I need to do for add-on's on my Ender-3 machine. Thank you for all your help.


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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model
    On 11/16/2018 at 10:10 PM, ctdigger said:

    Smithy, I really don;t want to pay big$$for a program I will use once. To your knowledge, isn't there something "Free" that can do the job? I just started this hobby and I really don't know all the good places to get things and what I need to do for add-on's on my Ender-3 machine. Thank you for all your help.



    Fusion360 is free for private use, I also use it just for my hobby and haven't paid for it.

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    Digger,  regarding your dog the easiest thing to do from what I understand given what you say you want is to download an stl or obj or fff file into Blender.  I understand that it's possible to do.  https://www.google.com/search?q=3d+printable+husky+dog&rlz=1C1ZCEB_enUS807US807&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiXq93TtfPeAhXrlOAKHWdRDbsQsAR6BAgEEAE&biw=1405&bih=713#imgrc=Vu3G-kCJXdKMTM:


    If all you want to do is to print a model and paint,  why reinvent the wheel?  If you have a 3D printer just download and print through Cura, or Slice3R (free) or Simplify.  Good luck.  I have a couple of dogs I miss as well and several cats.

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    Posted (edited) · emblem to 3D printable model
    On 11/14/2018 at 3:13 PM, ctdigger said:

    Question. Can one take a JPEG photo of a emblem and move it to  Tinkercad to make it 3D printable? If so, how.

    Thank You

    ARNE Logo.jpg


    Convert to a B/W image and just open in Cura. And, yes, get rid of the red. It will register as very close to the black and not give you any relief.


    Just go to open file, choose the image you modify and play with the settings. I have used it many times.


    Edit: Oh yeah, the higher the resolution, the better the edges will be.

    Edited by kmanstudios
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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    Like so. This took about 15 minutes including tweaking the image a bit. Grey where it was black. White for the red areas and a black background. Higher resolution would have been better.



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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    I saw a YouTube Video about a week ago on how to import a jpeg using this emblem and "raise" it using Blender.  It was pretty interesting/fun.  Can't wait to try it.  Probably old news though.

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model
    1. Can you send the file for printing? This is awesome. And details how it was done. I don't know how to do stuff like this yet, quite new.
    2. Thanks again
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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    Well, I would not send THIS file because it came from a lo-rez image and really does not hold the detail well.


    So, that being said, do you have a better image? I do not mind a few minutes making something to help, but I would not want to spend a lot of time remastering the image.

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model
    1 minute ago, kmanstudios said:

    Well, I would not send THIS file because it came from a lo-rez image and really does not hold the detail well.


    So, that being said, do you have a better image? I do not mind a few minutes making something to help, but I would not want to spend a lot of time remastering the image.

    I will see if I can take a picture of the actual sticker. can I paste it here?

    Thanks agasin


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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model
    9 minutes ago, kmanstudios said:

    Well, I would not send THIS file because it came from a lo-rez image and really does not hold the detail well.


    So, that being said, do you have a better image? I do not mind a few minutes making something to help, but I would not want to spend a lot of time remastering the image.

    I will see if I can take a picture of the actual sticker. can I paste it here?

    Thanks agasinimage.thumb.png.c14166fd92a6b91827b28fa21ba58b4c.png

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    It did make a difference. As you can see, I was able to do this quickly.


    Image file for you to work with and experiment.



    3MF file for you to examine. I only have UM3E and S5, so it may not be much help.


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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    I can't open it. I have a brand new Mac Pro so I'm not sure what program(s) I need.I have Cura loaded on my Mac but that's it for 3D stuff. Any suggestions for good free programs for 3D?

    Thanks for taking the time to do this for me.


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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    You cannot open the 3mf file? You should be able to open it and change printers without losing the model.


    as for programs on the mac, I would go with things like meshmexer, et al to see what works.


    Just google free 3D programs mac. I am on a PC, so....

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    it is telling me I need an application to open it

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    ??????? What? The 3mf file or the PNG file? Kinda need more information.

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    I think I got it. I just got this Mac and I am still learning how it works, I had a Toshiba  but it crapped out after 5 years. Anyway, I opened Cura and clicked on the file and the model  Loaded so I will try to print tomorrow. 

    If anyone tells you your mind starts to go after 65 believe them, I'm 69 and mine is toast LOL

    I will let you know how things work out and again thank You for the assistance.

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    It just occurred to me. Did you just double click on the file? Try opening Cura and use the file open command. The 3mf file option may not have been enabled when installing. Or the PC file does not carry the resource fork that allows for it to open.



    Ok...just now see the post.


    Yeah, I get that. I am only 58 and I  feel it happening already. sigh......you know what they always said....youth is wasted on the young......if we only knew then what we know now....all those cliches.


    Glad you got it open though 🙂 Good luck!

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    Yup, You know it.

    If you don't mind and if it isn't a bother I would like to stay in touch and ask your help in learning 3D Printing etc. I just purchased a Creality Ender-3 printer so everything is new. I did print out the preloaded dog and I down loaded a dog bone ornament and printed it. So that's my extent of knowledge of 3D printing. I also have a 500mW laser engraver I built and have used, I have issues with the program, seems I don't know how to enlarge what I want to engrave, the program is gcode laser engraver. Anyway thanks again, time for bed, gotta go to work, not quite retired yet, 5 months.

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    the laser program is LaserGrbl I had on my pc so Now I gotta find one for the Mac.

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    I kinda haunt the forums. If you post a 3D question in the tips and tricks and use the "@" and the forum name to tag me, I will be happy to respond. I am telling you, modeling is something everybody who is printing should learn. Maybe not to be a master, but to really be able to do some nice stuff when needed, fix things, etc.

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    Is there any app that can give you the basics of modeling to get you started? I currently have Tinkercad as modeling and Cura as my slicing app. I just loaded Tinkercad so I will check it out. If there is anything you might suggest, I am open to it. I try to keep occupied with all kinds of stuff, I'm into leather craft, wood working, coin ring making, metal detecting and I am a HAM radio operator and Emergency Radio Communicator.

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    Posted · emblem to 3D printable model

    Hey digger! 


    Inkscape can do this with an svg file.  In point of fact this is one of the steps pointed to in an earlier post.  Here is a link to a specific method. https://www.lifewire.com/turn-2d-image-into-3d-model-2293  This ought to get you where you want to go.



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